Bookfest Day 2: not as impressive a haul, but I'm happy with what I did find.
Bookfest Day 2: not as impressive a haul, but I'm happy with what I did find.
The main thought I had throughout reading this book was that the 'problem' with LGBTQ+ people, is everyone else. Why does the rest of the world care? I just wish everyone would chill out, be kind and let people live their lives however they want. This is why books like this are so important; because people fear what they don't understand, and while it's not the job of transgender people to educate the rest of us, it is generous when they do so.
Couldn‘t help but chuckle to see that @brandybear22 had posted about a passage I had also highlighted. Not at all surprising, really. 😏☺️
In this culture, gender attribution, like gender assignment, is phallocentric. That is, one is male until perceived otherwise... It would take the presence of roughly four female cues to outweigh the presence of one male cue.
Getting a start on my Queer book club‘s April reading selection.
“...and there are as many truthful experiences of gender as there are people who think they have a gender.”
#bookhaul pt 2 from my library's book sale 🎉 I'm never going to dig out of my TBR.