Yesterday's #bookmail was an edition of "Shawn's Bail is My Gain". The wonderful @shawnmooney did not enjoy this at all and saw it on my TBR and passed it along. ? Here's hoping I don't bail. ?
Yesterday's #bookmail was an edition of "Shawn's Bail is My Gain". The wonderful @shawnmooney did not enjoy this at all and saw it on my TBR and passed it along. ? Here's hoping I don't bail. ?
How infuriating for me and embarrassing for the publisher that such pedantic garbage ever found its way into book form.
I tried with this one, I really did. In fact, I'm not calling it a bail because I read so much of it. There were two brief passages that I found amusing and a handful that were thought-provoking, but ultimately Eaves does too much literary name dropping & pedantic philosophizing and not enough good storytelling or even musing. He writes, "Criticism ought to be succinct and simple and it is no easy task to be either." Clearly.
"Characters, for the novelist, are a means of doing the impossible: observing ourselves from the outside." #BuddyRead @shawnmooney @saresmoore @LectricSheep @bookhoarder513
Is anyone else reminded of Marshall McLuhan (the medium is the message, we shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us) here?
This just made me laugh out loud. For some reason, people come to me frequently with their bizarre, yet painfully boring dreams for an interpretation. My response is almost invariably: "Ah, interesting. And how did that make you FEEL?"
I agree with Eaves here, of course. The subconscious is pretty subjective.
The topic—how important liking a character is or should be to liking a book—is of great interest to me, and I suspect to many of us. But I must admit I'm not wowed by Eaves's musings here: a little too abstruse and condescending for my liking. That may be another way of saying his deep insights went right over my country bumpkin head. What do others think?
Look what came today! 😊 is the buddy read still on? @shawnmooney I don't remember who else was joining in.
Bookmail, all the way from London for the @shawnmooney -organized buddy read.
Looking forward to the May buddy-read of this one!
Somebody on Twitter – I have no idea who – posted this crudely photographed excerpt from this book of prose, prose poems, and poetry out of the UK today. Then I googled more about the book and the writer; am I the only one who absolutely needs to read this as soon as possible?