Monday night, post-gym bath. LOVING this book.
One of those things that will stay with me forever.
Chilly enough today to curl up under a blanket and read. Not sure how I feel about this one yet.
My camera person wasn't great, but hey: I met Jason Reynolds today!! Such an awesome guy with so much insight to share in life.
I recently left a stressful job that was bad for my mental health for a work-from-home gig that allows me, among other things, to enjoy a book and coffee in the mornings.
Weekend project: new bookshelves. I boldly decided to organize by trim-size and the neatness makes me happy.
My library hold list has a terrible sense of humor.
20 minutes in the used bookstore and my stack is too tall to fit in the frame.
I've only recently started listening to audiobooks. I find that focusing on books is a challenge when my mental health isn't doing so well, but listening to books is easier. My photos aren't as pretty though.
I'm also working my way through the Harry Potter series for the first time. 📚✨
When your beer accidentally matches your book. 🤣🍻
Rebecca Makkai wrote one of my favorite books in years--I think I sobbed for 150 straight pages--and today she was longlisted for a National Book Award. Huzzah 🎉
Have some time to kill in New York today, so I discovered a little hideaway.
Amtrak-ing to New York today. Loved both The Other Typist and Three-Martini Lunch, so I'm excited for this one.
This is a vital book. It's going to save lives. Read it and share it and talk about it.
I'm wearing a hoodie and drinking Oktoberfest. Feels like fall. 🍂
Three days in 90-degree weather, but we're all moved in and almost all unpacked. A peek at our new shelves.
Now, to make up for nearly a week of no reading.
I struggled to think of an #indigenous author aside from Alexie and Erdrich until I thought outside the Americas. Either way, I think I need to do some research to find more. #JuneBookBugs
What a beautiful day to spend my lunch hour reading on the plaza.
I read this after I was already married, but it was still incredibly inspiring because I have capital-O Opinions on marriage culture in the U.S. "Wait until you're 30 to marry" & "Live on your own for at least a year" were the only real pieces of life advice my mom gave me before she passed away. After meeting my husband when I was 28 (and getting married at 31), I realized it was the best advice I'd ever gotten.
#AllTheSingleLadies #JuneBookBugs
Started packing today. Still have 10 boxes, after purging 4. We're going on a book ban once we get settled into the new place.
Next up: my last library book before the move. After books, TV rivals forests and food for my second great love. I sometimes wish I had found a way to become a TV critic because reading and writing about it is so much fun.
Adam Silvera is one of my must-buy authors. His stories about gay teens are filled with warmth, humor, urgency, and a sense of realism. #lgbtq #junebookbugs
We're moving next week so this month's TBR is almost entirely digital--I suspended all 37 books in my library hold queue except for the Sedaris. Way too excited for that one. #JuneBookBugs
I bought this because it is set in Southern Ohio and I so rarely get to read stories that feel like home. And so this was lovely for that reason but also a million more.
It took me an unusually long time to get through this, I even restarted it because I was having trouble focusing. I'm so glad I didn't bail because this was not at all what it seemed to be at first. It's unique and weird and haunting.
This was such a great thriller. Lehane's a master.
I struggled a bit with this month, not able to get through as much as I wanted and feeling unengaged by a lot. But June's a new month. Here's my stats.
Finished 10.5
Bailed 4
By women: 9
By POC: 6
Reading Challenges (Cumulative)
#LitsyAtoZ: 23/26
#ReadHarder: 21/24
#LitsyReadingChallenge: 21/24
Today's haul from The Strand.
Been in a serious reading slump lately, so I'm hoping some good nonfiction gets me out. That's my usual rut-busting strategy. What's yours?
Husband and I are on a NYC bound train for the weekend and I can't wait to eat my way through the city!
The perfect lunchtime read on DC's first 90-degree day. I don't get to read many books that take place in what I think of as my part of the world, so I have high hopes for this debut novel from an Appalachian Ohio author.
This #fruity book is next up in my "reading diverse classics" project. #MayBookFlowers
Current mood. Hard to believe I've had 19 Mother's Days without her. #MayBookFlowers
I loved Caitlin Doughty's first book and I am looking forward to reading her new one this fall. This is the coolest #eyesonthecover art. #maybookflowers
I just can't be in the heads of these characters. Nope, nope, nope. Hitting the halfway point and calling it a misfire.
It's like Ferris Bueller meets Dead Like Me. Sweet and thoughtful, but definitely feels YA.
So I was having a frustrating day at work until this happened. Cancelling all plans tonight.
Today's prompt is #BodiesOfWater, and this is about bodies in water. Ha. Starting this library loan tonight, hope it's good! #MayBookFlowers
I'm not much into #SupernaturalMysteries, but I love Twin Peaks and am looking forward to the revival. This book is in my never-ending TBR. #MayBookFlowers
This book by #MexicanAmerican Cristina Henriquez is a heart-wrenching story of immigrants chasing the American Dream. It couldn't be more pertinent. #MayBookFlowers
Woah. This is how you write a psychological thriller. It's not perfect--a loooong set-up and a few lost threads--but I couldn't guess what was happening and I couldn't unclench my ass until I was long done. It's Lehane's best book in quite a while.
I'm not a Star Wars fan.
Space travel in general's not my thing, but I'm looking forward to this book in my current TBR pile. #GalaxyFarFarAway #MayBookShowers
What I love about this book's #UnreliableNarrator is that it's not someone who's crazy or drunk or suffering head trauma but someone who just doesn't realize how little he knows about the events he's describing. It's a neat take on unreliable. #MayBookFlowers
"Characters, for the novelist, are a means of doing the impossible: observing ourselves from the outside." #BuddyRead @shawnmooney @saresmoore @LectricSheep @bookhoarder513
It's such a beautiful day here in DC, but I'm the only one taking advantage of the rooftop terrace. 🌞 #sunshine #MayBookFlowers
Bookmail, all the way from London for the @shawnmooney -organized buddy read.
Lunchtime reading break. Picked this one up because the plot summary sounded a bit like Underground Airlines, one of my 2016 faves.
My May TBR, in no particular order. Most of them are ebooks and galleys getting ready to expire, so you get a screenshot of my Goodreads shelf. I'm especially excited for Salt Houses and Since We Fell. #MayBookFlowers
This timely book is an eye-opener that everyone should read. #BestOfApril #AprilBookShowers
Finished: 12
Bailed: 2
By POC: 6
By women: 7
Reading Challenges (Cumulative);
#LitsyAtoZ: 22/26
#LitsyReadingChallenge: 17/24
#ReadHarder: 17/24
Yesterday's Independent Bookstore Day haul. We're moving next month so I can't buy too many books, but I got a bag to carry some in! Also, an Ohio book from an Ohio bookstore. 💓📚