Picked this book up to start two hours ago. It was a great read.
And yes, I did so happen to have some vintage Hawaiian postcards I picked up from an antiques store that someone sent to "my darling" from the army Air Force base in '52.
Picked this book up to start two hours ago. It was a great read.
And yes, I did so happen to have some vintage Hawaiian postcards I picked up from an antiques store that someone sent to "my darling" from the army Air Force base in '52.
I could literally live at Barnes and Noble. And today I do. ✌🏻❤️➕📚
I am a MASSIVE Mitch Albom fan! This one blew my mind. I found it so #cheerful that, upon completion, I simply sat clasping this book to my heart for about an hour thinking about the journey I had just been on! I definitely recommend! #jubilantjuly
In my undergrad work at Appalachian State I did a research paper for my religious studies minor on the way religion is presented in superhero films. In doing my research on (specifically) Christianity and superheroes, I came across this. Talk about your conversation starter! It is probably one of my favorite possessions due to its uniqueness! It is definitely my #superheroes for #sizzlinsummerbooks
I was not familiar with #heartshapedbox for #90sinJuly 😐 So I gave it a listen. In one word: dark. Why is it that so many great creators struggle heavily with darkness? Pictured here are three of my favorite artists who were king, queen, and duchess of the artist's night (Hemingway, Edith Piaf, and Peggy Lee).
Perhaps it is only in the dark that we can unlock our heart shaped boxes and release our selves into creativity.
#WheretheWildThingsAre gets my first #shelfie ?
I adore dogs. I mean...it's a little messed up how much I love them! When I was a kid I read almost exclusively about dogs. These are some of my favorites including: 1) Jeannette Sanderson's books on heroic dogs, 2) the entire "Upchuck and the Rotten Willy" series by Bill Wallace [childhood FAVES!!!], 2) Gary Paulsen's book about his dogs, 3) some fun picture books and PUPPIES! #90sinJuly
#workaholics for sure! In "Memoir of C.S. Lewis" in the front of this version, Lewis' own brother labels him a bit of a workaholic. However, if you are as good at what you do as Clive "Jack" was...that's a difficult thing to overcome!
#JubilantJuly #Workaholics #CSLewis
This book is #lies because it is a fictional account of the circumstances surrounding this picture. 100% untrue. Also 100% intriguing. #MayBookFlowers
I thoroughly enjoyed this book a couple years ago. I am also a big fan of the movie. Because of choices made for the endings, I prefer the movie a little bit. But this is definitely a story of someone who is a #longlongwayfromhome
#Truths are flying at me so fast in this book about film when approached with a Christian worldview. It isn't about writing off a film as inappropriate based on violence or sexuality. It is about film as an art form. Good films deserve good responses and a show of support!! #maybookflowers #mrsmithgoestowashington
Yesterday's book haul from Edward McKay's!!! Less than twenty bucks for the whole stack!!!
I read Linda Sue Park's book in preparation for a presentation on my trip to Guatemala last fall to help drill a well. As my muddy boots should prove in this picture, it was a success! Well completed in six days and dedicated to the community on my 27th birthday! #bodyofwater #maybookflowers
So...in thinking about #PhiladelphiaFreedom, I went to the Springsteen song "Streets of Philadelphia" from the movie "Philadelphia". In college I did a research project on protest songs and this was one of the songs I focused on. I discovered it in this awesome read by Dorian Lynskey. #RockinMay
#MayBookFlowers #BlackandWhiteCovers and Duane Allman! My father passed away last November and today we attended the ceremony dedicating the Mike Lowe memorial chapel. In honor of my favorite guitar player (dad) and his favorite (Duane).
For the supernatural part...I'm pointing to slug beasts, hellcats, and giant space eels. For the mysteries part...I'm turning to Dr. Ong's main problem: why would a resurrected British ghost be terrorizing a small town and trying to steal the Shroud of Turin. For the awesome...I'm thanking @TobeyTheScavengerMonk for lending me this AWESOME READ!!! #supernaturalmysteries
#RockinMay ...my most recent read is now my most favorite novel. And as I reflected on the #smalltown vibe Scout and Jem grew up in, I couldn't help thinking about my own little hamlet of the world: Mount Airy, NC. Aka: Andy Griffith's Mayberry.
I draw stick people to have conversations with what I'm reading. All the ones in this book now REALLY want to kill themselves......
School work today. I'm very glad that this class has great reading, interesting coursework, and a professor who thinks on similar wave lengths as me. He last one almost killed me...
I am not even really sure how to express how much I loved this book. I somehow manage to get through all of high school without reading this book. I recently stumbled across my copy while searching for new reading material and I am so glad! What a wonderfully well written commentary on the peculiarity of humans - our prejudices and blind spots. 💙
"We are if not exactly 'saved' by reading, at least partially 'repaired' by it: made better morally and existentially...we read to extend our sympathies, to see ourselves in others and others in ourselves, to educate our imaginations, to find liberation from the prison of the self, to be made whole where we are broken, to be reconciled to the absurdity of existence, in short to be redeemed from flesh, the ego, and despair." -Howard Jacobson
Music festival reads. First time reading this classic. Bluegrass in my ear. 💙
Such a wonderful read. I was very blessed by Nouwen's approach to The Lord's Supper as event based on our sorrow and mourning but still overflowing with hope. He is definitely one of my favorite writers and theologians!
When the diagrams actually make it MORE confusing...
Doing this book for Lent this year. It is AMAZING!!!
Max Lucado, Chuck Swindoll, pocket knives, twinkly lights, and almonds. #winning
Sometimes I think I romanticize all the old movies and the "good old days". Then I read something like this and feel better. While also laughing 'till I cry...
"God wrestles us then...in the process, we are mastered by Him and further transformed into His likeness." (Pg. 58)