This poetry book is for older readers around 4th grade. I love the representation in this book. Very heartfelt poems to get students thinking a bit deeper. I would definitely have this in my classroom.
This poetry book is for older readers around 4th grade. I love the representation in this book. Very heartfelt poems to get students thinking a bit deeper. I would definitely have this in my classroom.
Purchased for $1 at the library book sale today. Beautiful art and a scholar‘s taste of what LH was all about.
#RushAThon Day 31 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
#SavvySettings Day 10: The Negro Speaks of #River(s) is included in this collection of Hughes‘ poetry. From my review: “The editors did a fine job condensing Hughes‘ history and making it accessible to young readers without watering the issues down in any way. The illustrations are gorgeous too with a slightly European vibe discerned in the thin elongated figures and lots of empty spaces for the eyes to rest.” More here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-7vw
Check out the full review at www.alwaysforeverreading.net
Written for younger readers, an introduction with a picture of Hughes is included. Its purpose is to help readers understand Hughes‘ life, his impact on the Harlem Renaissance, and his fight against injustice. Hence, these poems help young readers understand the struggles of African Americans during this time in history. Go on a journey with Langston Hughes. See the images, and hear his sounds. Feel the beat and his moods. Read this book!
This book contains several famous poems from Langston Hughes, a notable poet that rose during the Harlem Renaissance. It is a Poetry (P) picture book that makes younger readers more interested in poetry. A Coretta Scott King award winning picture book, Langston Hughes poetry depicts the struggles and perseverance of African-Americans in America. Great for GR,IR, RA, PR, as well as a great addition to the classroom library.
Poetry for young people by Langston Hughesk is a Poetry (P) book. This book contain several short poems by Hughes. A lot of the poems deals with African Americans encounter with the blues, race, and segregation. A lot of Hughes poems in this book carry a strong cry for American American equal treatment in the time he was growing up. TA strategies RA, IR, SR, and PR. This YouTube RA is the author reading one of his poems
This P book written by Langston Hughes and illustrated by Benny Andrews contains a collection of poems such as "I, too" which is about Hughes positive outlook on life in America and one day having a better future. http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/varying-views-ame... this lesson plan is based off this poem and helps students dive deeper in the meaning. #UCFLAE3414sp17