Hope everyone gets to enjoy some quality reading time today!! ❤️📚📖
Hope everyone gets to enjoy some quality reading time today!! ❤️📚📖
This has taken me all morning. But I am very happy how the cover turned out.
102 spots... that is sufficient enough for now...🤓
I took a picture of my bookish journals yesterday, seeing as how they got quite a workout, but I forgot to share it. The pink one holds my 2018 reading list, while the little graph Moleskine is full of checklists and tracking pages. I use the gel pens to mark off squares in each category and the Staedtler pens for all the written bits.
I don't know weather this is the right tag but with every book nerd we have to document!
@ReadingGlasses put the idea of book journals in my head. Selection was a bit overwhelming, but I crossed my fingers, crossed my eyes, and snagged one with a pleasing cover. If anything, I'll enjoy checking the heck off those lists in the back.
A little late but here's a more detailed breakdown of 2017 📚📚📚
Loving this journal my friend gifted me!
I started using a reading journal in 2014 to keep track of what I read, and some quick thoughts on each book. I find it really helps me to notice patterns in my reading, and when I need to reach out of my comfort zone with a new author or genre. My reading list tends to skew towards white, female authors from Canada/UK/US, so this reminds me to seek out international authors, writers of colour, etc.
Clearly, I am in my happy place. Another book sale in Singapura!! :)