I don't care how foolish this is. I love this series. And this is the sixth (and final?) book. There are definitely gators in this but they may not be on leashes.
I don't care how foolish this is. I love this series. And this is the sixth (and final?) book. There are definitely gators in this but they may not be on leashes.
I pretty much knew I wouldn‘t come home from vacation without a few extra books…. Tagged and Reapers are zombie books from my sister. Breath Becomes Air and Gold Mountain are from exploring LFLs. And Shuggie came from a used bookstore visit. 😊 #bookhaul
This book is definitely the best in the series and therefore a great series ender. There is a lot of material from Angel‘s interactions with our favorite FBI agent that lays out groundwork and hints at possibilities for a spin off series - possibly featuring different “monsters” hiding in plain sight? I would love to encounter future Angel as a cameo in another series! Suffice it to say this whole series is definitely #RereadWorthy
“The good thing about hugs: when you give one, you get one too.“
- Angel Crawford
Got to puppysit and audiobook today! The cuddles were fuzzy, fun times were had, and the reading was full of Angel goodness!
Holy wow, this is a truly awesome book! All the wishes I had for the series came true! At this point, Diana Rowland hasn‘t decided if there will be any more WTZ books. While the prospect of no more books with Angel Crawford is a sad one, I can accept this as the last in the series (if I HAVE to.) This book had a truly satisfying end with enough hints at my favorite zombie‘s possible future to keep me happy. If you haven‘t yet, READ THESE BOOKS!!!
Awesome, as usual. I truly love this series. I laughed and laughed! This is # 6.
Yesssssss! I've been regularly checking online to see what the cover for the next book in Diane Rowland's White Trash Zombie series will look like. This might be my favorite cover yet! I need to read the 5th book before this one comes out in September. I'm so excited to see what Angel Crawford is up to. 😄