I liked this gentle story of forgiveness and redemption. It meanders gently along, which meant that I felt that I really got to know the characters. A lovely book! (the little dachshund is cut off the bottom of this - he was rather cute!).
I liked this gentle story of forgiveness and redemption. It meanders gently along, which meant that I felt that I really got to know the characters. A lovely book! (the little dachshund is cut off the bottom of this - he was rather cute!).
Eating at Maggianos, minding my own business. I love me some balsamic. Like really love it. So I asked for it so I can use it on my bread. Eating a piece of bread, soaking up my beloved vinegar, reading my book and some dude walks by and swipes my bottle! WHAT THE HECK? Yep. I called him over to my table and told him to bring me back my durn bottle of balsamic and not to touch it again 😂😂😂 #dontmakemetakemyearringsoff #DONTTOUCHMYFOOD
Spent the weekend with my stepson at college orientation, then moved my college daughter back home for the next year, so only finished one book. Going to delve back into this one again.
I‘ve had a sick doggie today so it‘s hard to read when he won‘t leave my lap. #dogsoflitsy
I don't remember what drew me to this book but I'm so glad I read it. Taking place in Scotland & Florida, the book follows Johnny & his family as they navigate a series of challenges. A brain tumor, OSHA investigation at the in factory he owns, & a son recovering from drug addiction are just a few of them. I really enjoyed the characters &the story. It does have a happy ending that I found satisfying, not sappy. As a runner, I liked this quote.