Lovely sense of humour and deliciously narrated story overshadowing the tragic event. I laughed and cried and laughed again and cried some more
Lovely sense of humour and deliciously narrated story overshadowing the tragic event. I laughed and cried and laughed again and cried some more
If I were a rich man, I‘d spend most of my day lying comfortably in an overstuffed armchair thinking about death. But I‘m poor, so I can only think about it in my spare moments, or when no one‘s looking.
—Cesare Zavattini
If you knew you had 100 days to live hoe would you spend them? Lucio does those last 100 days pretty well, with great humour, humanity and spirit. There is nothing depressing about this story of a dying man and that is something of an achievement. It big-hearted and funny and wonderfully Italian.
I‘ll finish by asking the same question Lucio was asked, if you could live for eternity at one age what age would you pick? Me, 26.
I‘m very sad today. This beautiful boy had to be put to sleep today. He was 20 and very ill. He was my constant reading companion and had trailed me around the house for the last 16 years that we‘ve had him. It was for the best and definitely time but still so sad. The tagged book was the last one I read with his company, now I‘ll have to finish it without him.
A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars. Started off strong; Lucio's voice brought the morose & humor together. The emotions were there for the end of the novel, but I felt something was missing...can't quite put my finger on what it was. Enjoyed it overall.
"I suddenly understand that human beings aren't divided into good and bad, southerners and northerners, the intelligent and the stupid, or any of the other thousands of distinctions that we invent to liven up our existence. They're divided into "book benders" and " non-book benders." The former are happier."
"Who knows how many literary masterpieces lie concealed in the notebooks and Lisa Frank desk diaries filled with ink by fifteen-year-old girls who, statically speaking, are the most "diaryish" demographic category." (Certainly not in my diaries, that's for sure!! I found myself wondering what to do with the diaries I've kept since grade school...I don't want others to read them, so they continue to sit in a box in the attic.)
I'm only on page 19, and already I love Lucio's voice. I've got good feelings about this. #bookclubreads #miao #meow #ciao 🐱
If you want to read something easy and with lots of humour, this is it. The book deals with the last 100 days of Oscar - who has cancer - and how he made these last days the most beautiful of his life.
Meraviglioso: divertente, commovente, emozionante. Fa riflettere, dalla prima all'ultima riga. Da leggere assolutamente!!