⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Incredible. A sociopath stole the lives of three young women for YEARS. Berry and DeJesus emotionally recount their time as prisoners at 2207 Seymour Ave. The what-ifs and close calls over the years hurt my heart. They were beaten, starved, and repeatedly raped. The relationships among the girls are psychologically fascinating and profound. I will never understand monsters like this man, whose name I will not to type, bc fuck him. ⬇️
Grateful to live close to the Y and that it‘s open! Weather has been sketchy all week. ❄️ I had to get out of the house today. The sun is finally shining. ☀️ The roads are melting. Just finished a 4-mile walk while listening to the tagged book. It‘s brutal. My god.
PS. I can‘t believe I stopped at 399 calories. That hurts my brain. I wish I‘d noticed, I would‘ve gone another few steps. 😂
#audiowalk #BFC21
Ariel Castro, father and divorced husband, lured girls into his home and held them hostage. The girls were chained, starved, beaten and raped. This is the story of Amanda Berry who bore and raised a child while held in captivity. Finally able to make a brave escape with her five year old daughter in tow, she writes a brave and honest memoir. A heroic story of survival.
The kidnappings of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus were so horrifying that I‘m sure each of them thought constantly #whydidithavetobeme ? I‘ve visited the site of the house where they were held captive for a decade, but it was torn down shortly after The girls escaped so now looks like the image from google maps- a small park of sorts. #ABBAinAugust
1. Red
2. Safe on Netflix! I think this weekend is going to be a good time to binge on some Lucifer too 😈
3. I don't tend to Google too much when I'm reading but I had to look into the Cleveland kidnappings more after reading this one.
4. Ketchup, mustard, cheese, pickles, lettuce....it all counts right? 😂🍔
5. Cleaning and Netflix....so probably Netflix and reading 😉
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks