Jason Dessen has settled into life as a professor at a small college, has a lovely wife and son. His trip to buy ice-cream one evening changed his live forever. He must‘ve been thinking #whydidithavetobeme ?
#ABBAInAugust |day 7
Jason Dessen has settled into life as a professor at a small college, has a lovely wife and son. His trip to buy ice-cream one evening changed his live forever. He must‘ve been thinking #whydidithavetobeme ?
#ABBAInAugust |day 7
#abbainaugust #whydidithavetobeme
It sucks to be the chosen one. No, honestly! It‘s a common trope particularly in fantasy. Text above from https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItSucksToBeTheChosenOne
Garion from The Belgariad is one of my favourite characters who regularly bemoans #whydidithavetobeme
The kidnappings of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry, and Gina DeJesus were so horrifying that I‘m sure each of them thought constantly #whydidithavetobeme ? I‘ve visited the site of the house where they were held captive for a decade, but it was torn down shortly after The girls escaped so now looks like the image from google maps- a small park of sorts. #ABBAinAugust
When Jake is first approached by an acquaitance about changing the history of the world he thinks “#WhyDidItHaveToBeMe?”.
Is this a perfect book? No. Is this an entertaining book? YES! It was a real page turner for me, and all though it was too long, and I would have liked a more narrow focus on the historical events, I couldn‘t stop reading it!
A young Governess arrives at an old English estate for her new job caring for Miles and Flora. Once she notices the presence of a ghost, surely she was thinking #whydidithavetobeme who was sent to this haunted family! The shocking ending of this story will leave you hanging and wondering if there is indeed a ghost present, or perhaps something more sinister...
This reminds me that I need to get back to #SerialReader again!
Joe Hill believes that an extra from Jaws is the Jane Doe known as the Lady in the Dunes. Color me tantalized!
“When faced with grotesque, inexplicable tragedies,” he said in the WaPo article, “one of the ways that human beings master their own anxiety and concern is by trying to reduce it to a crossword puzzle, and if you have the right inspiration, you can bring order back to chaos.”
#AbbaInAugust Day 7: #WhyDidItHaveToBeMe must have been Wilde‘s battle cry when he lost the faith of people and got thrown in jail for his sexuality. This photo of his bust was taken from the Dublin Writers Museum. I love the tagged book, alongside Importance Of Being Earnest. I recall having an entire notebook just filled with quotes from these two books.
#whydidithavetobeme Dick Kitchel was a senior in high school in 1967 when he disappeared one night after a party. His badly beaten body was pulled from a local river a few days later. The case remains unsolved. Author Rebecca Morris was also a senior at Dick‘s school when he was killed. The murder was pretty straightforward and the suspected culprit almost undoubtedly guilty. The flow of the book could have been more cohesive though. #abbainaugust