Really enjoying this story about magical books. Isn‘t Zeus so handsome? 🐶 #dogsoflitsy
Really enjoying this story about magical books. Isn‘t Zeus so handsome? 🐶 #dogsoflitsy
🥙 Tagged book - setting is in Mexico and book-loving Uncle comes up with literary meals
🍭 too many - anything husband prepares is a fave, but I live for chocolates and cheese
🍪 smoked korean barbecue, i get stomach upset and I go 🤮
🧀Holiday: When we were in Tuscany and a pack of brie costs around 5 euros
🌶Chili‘s!!! Mainly because of the service and molten lava.
What I loved most about this novel is the intense book love that is bordering on the edge of surreal, stretching the boundaries of the fantastical, but the one truth that signifies the romance with the written word remains stark and real. I think I‘ve said it previously here, but will say it again- Villoro is like Zafon for young readers. Fits our #LitWorld2018GB challenge too with MEXICO. My 20th book as a Literary Hitchhiker.
Thoroughly enjoying the distinct voice of this book - kind of like Zafon‘s Shadow of The Wind but for young readers. :)
A book from Mexico requires my mother‘s recipe for chili con carne cooked so wonderfully by ze husband. Tastes like home. I met the translator of this book, Lawrence Schimel, while I was in Madrid two years ago.
So fun! Reminded me of everything I loved about being a kid who read books.