I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!) Feel free to join in!
#OnThisDay in 1966, the US Supreme Court issued its decision in the Memoirs vs Massachusetts case. The court overturned a decision by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, and declared that John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (aka Fanny Hill) was NOT obscene as it did not meet the threshold set in 1957's Roth vs the United States: “a book cannot be proscribed unless it is utterly without redeeming social value." #HistoryGetsLIT
This (erotic) novel was an unexpected choice on the syllabus of a course I am currently taking. The plot is an excuse to present a string of sex scenes, none containing actual “bad” words, but all very graphic nonetheless. I won‘t lie: I actually liked the book, especially from a scholarly perspective. For casual readers, I would only recommend it as what it is: eighteenth-century smut. Which is a weird thing to recommend, honestly.
I couldn‘t resist. Want so bad to show you this beautiful Bulgarian cover of ‘Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure‘
Also this book is my third book for #LitsyAtoZ reading challenge, placed under letter ‘M‘
#m #letterM @BookishMarginalia
I‘ve just finished Cleland‘s book and it left me with mixed feelings. It is said to be a masterpiece and also it was forbidden in UK and US till end of XX century.
Really liked my Bulgarian editions (not only because its stunning cover) because it has really helpful notes under line which makes you understand the book in its deepest.
4/5 ⭐️
Not my favourite. #1001books #bannedbooks
{#recommendation request!?} ??
My adoration of Anaïs Nin has led me to pick up and discover authors like her or similar to her style/theme of writing. I‘m becoming quite addicted to this strange new underworld of classical literature and am seeking recommendations for new books and authors to try?
I currently have books by Anaïs Nin, Henry Miller, DH Lawrence, Françoise Sagan and John Cleland. #bookaddict #booklover #bookblog #classicerotica
Started reading this 18th century erotica at the recommendation of a friend, and yeah, so jerk-off lit just hasn‘t changed much.
One of the classic "dirty books". #GreatQuotes #SomethingForSept
The first Little Free Library I ever saw was back in 2009 in Sarlat, France. Most of the books on offer have pretty old publication dates.