3.5 ⭐
@indoordame - what did I just read. Very Poe like. I liked it, but it was a little all over the place. Thanks for picking it.
@wanderingbookaneer - I'm mailing it out today #LMPBC
3.5 ⭐
@indoordame - what did I just read. Very Poe like. I liked it, but it was a little all over the place. Thanks for picking it.
@wanderingbookaneer - I'm mailing it out today #LMPBC
#LMPBC #Round13 Groups A and P packages are now on their way to @LibrarianRyan and @bibliobard
I feel like it‘s rare that a book completely takes you by surprise, so I was grateful that this one did. That said, I‘m still deciding what I think about it since I found it so unexpected. But since it‘s an #LMPC book my review really aught to be vague anyway, so I have time to decide. 🤣 #WinterGames2021 #TeamGameSleighers #BBRC MG Horror
I've picked out these for #lmpbc #Round13. I'm really set on reading Garlic and the Vampire--I'm not entirely sure what draws me into to reading frightening books that involve food @LibrarianRyan @WanderingBookaneer @IndoorDame @suvata