I‘ve been catching up on my Caldecott Honors reading. Looking forward to announcements of 2021 ALA Youth Media Awards on Monday, January 25!
I‘ve been catching up on my Caldecott Honors reading. Looking forward to announcements of 2021 ALA Youth Media Awards on Monday, January 25!
She loves to hear her mama read. ❤️🐶
This Caldecott Honor award winning, poem PB, by Liz Garton Scanlon and illustrated by Marla Frazee, would be great for a RA to students. It makes connections with people, places, and things in the world around us and would align well with UDL 1.3 (Offer alternatives for visual information) and ESOL strategy 4 (Link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge).
This book, a Caldecott Honor book, is about the good things and bad things that happen in life, but in the end you must keep hope and love for others.
I would absolutely use this book, because it focuses on positivity, inclusitivioty, and love of the Earth/one another. I really enjoyed this book and I see myself utilizing it to teach children about caring for others as well as the Earth.
I really enjoyed this book as I thought it was very optimistic and inclusive to everybody that inhabits the world. It opens your eyes to never take for granted of things and enjoy life. I would recommend reading this book in your classroom around like earth day because it highlights how we need to take care of each other and the world.
All the World written by Liz Garton Scanlon. Caldecott Honor book. This book describes the ups and downs people face in life but in the end, as long as you have hope, peace, and love, that is all you need.
I will 100% be reading this to my classroom. Not only does it celebrate the different types of diversity and family size, it shows how important each individual is that makes up our world!
“All the World” was written by Liz Garton Scanlon in 2009. This book received a Caldecott award as well! Overall, I really loved this book. It demonstrated various forms of diversity and showed how the world works in various ways. This book was very heartwarming and I loved how it incorporated the various types of races, occupations, family size, etc.
This book would she students how everything is connected and makes up the world they live in. It shows the students that the all the world is all of us and we each bring a unique thing to the table.
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon, Illustrated by Marla Frazee, 2009. Caldecott Honor. This book was beautiful! I enjoyed the pictures and colors. The words were simple but they all rhymed. The smallest thing like a rock connected to something much larger. The book showed diversity and how everyone makes up the world we live in
All the world is everything. Everything is you and me. Hope and peace and love and trust. All the world is all of us.
This book would make the perfect bed time story in my eyes. It‘s a soothing flow and the illustrations are very relaxed.
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon was written in 2009 and is a Caldecott Honor book. This book was interesting because the lines kind of rhymed with each other, the flow was very steady and fun. This book also teaches children about the world and how important all the aspects are and how vast the world is. It also teaches them how important we are in the world and how we make it up. I feel like this would be a soothing book to read to children.
All the way the world is different and interacts with each other- shows how people can be different & enjoy the same things & see things differently. But ultimately it‘s for all of us
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon, published in 2009 and a Caldecott winner, was super sweet! It shows all different types of ways the world works and interacts, and how different people experience different things! Super cute & meaningful- i LOVE it
All the world is a P book that was bestowed the Caldecott Honor. It follows a family over the course of their day. The beautiful pictures help display the wonder and importance of all the big and little things in our world. Of course this story would be a great RA but it could also be a great CR as well. #UCFLAE3414SU19
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This poem book is about a family‘s day spent going to the beach, shopping, eating and spending the evening with extended family.
Author Study: https://lizgartonscanlon.com
EL: visuals to go along with the poem
This would be a great story for children to learn that all things big and small have importance!
This follows a group of family and friends throughout these day. This helps show that big and small things can both be important!
This setting is unique because it takes place in many different places with many different views.
All the World is a Caldecott book written by Liz Garron Scanlon and illustrated by Marla Frazee. The characters are little children and many other people around the world. The setting is all over the world in many different places. I would read this to a class.
Caldecott honor book. This is a perfect simple but engaging book for children to read or have read to them in a classroom. It‘s full of heart but simple and easy for anyone to understand.
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon and illustrated by Marla Frazee, 2009. Every illustration in this book, every scene, matching with the words perfectly and adds so much to the story. You‘re not only seeing all the world but feeling it. Every ounce of this story is made to make you feel like you are there and that you know the world and the world knows you. It‘s beautiful and sweet and beautifully illustrated.
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon
Beach Lane Books 2009
The book mentions people like “Nanas, papas, cousins, etc.” people that young children could maybe relate to. This book also rhymes and nursery rhymes we know are very beneficial. This book has a very loving and calming feel, the rhyming is relaxing so are the colors in the pictures. It starts with things in nature and then moves to family.
All the World, written by Liz Garton Scanlon and illustrated by Marla Frazee, follows a group of family and friends throughout the day. As they go along they witness the importance of all things great and small, from a teeny shell on a beach, to the warmth of family, to a brilliant sunset in the sky.