I finally finished this one. Some of the scenes in the book upset me; but, they are clearly of the time. A good look at making sure your ship is custom for your adventure and being fully prepared.
I finally finished this one. Some of the scenes in the book upset me; but, they are clearly of the time. A good look at making sure your ship is custom for your adventure and being fully prepared.
Saturday morning reading with my wife.
#ItsALongWayToTheTop (to the top of the world, that is 😆).
This is the 1898, two-volume edition that tells of Nansen‘s three year attempt by ship (and sleigh!) to reach the North Pole.
Well, this took a while! This is not only a very detailed journal recording almost each and every day of this journey (which makes you really appreciate how long it was), it‘s also a scientific log book of latitudes, temperatures and dinner compositions! Not to mention endless bear, seal and walrus hunts. It‘s sad about the dogs they had to kill though, especially when you know they actually cared about them.
Whereas all other explorers are miserable, cold and sick Nansen‘s expedition is seriously just having a good time! It‘ll be so interesting to read about the Scott expedition after this. And I want to go back to the Fram museum in Oslo and walk on board again now that I‘m more familiar with the ship!
Happy to be back home with my crowd 🐈 🐕 ❤️
Another EXTREMELY uneventful day at work, but at least this book is getting very interesting (after 10% of preparations and arguments regarding arctic currents and whatnot). I definitely have to get a print version of it. @Cinfhen I love the treats you sent! I was going to make Turkish coffee to go with the halva but all oven tops I have access to are induction and my Turkish coffee pot is not magnetic 😔
I‘ve got a cold that won‘t give up, there‘s nothing to do at work, so why not start a new book about terrible experiences in freezing cold climates?
just bought a kobo aura one. So excited!! Overdrive compatibility and a bigger screen than the glo. #kobo #koboauraone
This was on special offer at Kobo and the opening paragraph was so fantastic I couldn't resist