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Under the Christmas Tree
Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
6 posts
Come along with Santa and make Christmas sparkle with this happy holiday board book! Pull the tabs for some Christmas joy! Write a letter to Santa, help build a snowman, light the Christmas tree, and send Santa's reindeer and sleigh across the sky. But then make sure to shut the children's eyes so they don't see St. Nick when he comes down the chimney to leave a special gift!
Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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Hey All!! I created a tree for others to decorate. If anyone wants to add an ornament or create their own tree I will put the link below. It is super fun and a cute way to send messages to other people on Christmas! If you create one, please let me know so I can leave you a message! 💙💙💙


Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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Hoping that some of these gifts #underneaththetree are books 📚🤗 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!! ❤️🎁✨🎄 I will Be right here, reading and watching Christmas movies for the day ☺️

OneLitChick If those aren‘t books... 7y
Melissa_J I don‘t know about books, those look like wrapped boxes of chocolate to me 😊 7y
Cinfhen Beautiful photo ❤️❤️❤️send love to @Mdargusch 7y
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tournevis As my cousin Martin would say: "CDs!!! You got me CDs! Those are totally CDs! I love to read CDs!" 7y
Kaye I think there‘s a toaster and some underpants in them. The containers aren‘t shaped like books 😂 7y
BarbaraBB These look like the perfect gifts. Too bad you‘ll have to share them 😂 7y
Lmstraubie Wishing your bookish family a very Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 7y
Mdargusch 🤔🤔🤔 7y
Reviewsbylola Perfect day. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
Kalalalatja Happy holidays! 🎄🎄 7y
Elisa Those could all be books! Keeping my fingers crossed for you 🤞🏼😃 Merry Christmas! 🎄 7y
Cathythoughts Fab pic ✨✨✨ 7y
145 likes12 comments
Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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Can you tell everyone is getting a book this year? 😹
I‘m hoping my #secretsantagoespostal will make it here by tomorrow, we are going out of town on Friday, so 🤞🏻 I‘ll be able to open it before we get back home on Christmas Eve! (Not putting my match on blast, I know it‘s on it‘s way! 💕 )

Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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My #secretsantagoespostal package made it to Ohio from a mystery kitten (edit: lol, “litten”!) in Louisiana! 🎁❤️🎄 Can‘t wait to open this!!

cleoh I love that litten autocorrects to kitten! It makes everyone sound so sweet 😻 7y
emtobiasz (Pssst @emilyhaldi you should blur addresses! Just for everybody's safety ❤️) 7y
Avanders 🎉🎉🎉♥️🎄 7y
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Reviewsbylola 🎄🙌🏻🎄🙌🏻 7y
Mdargusch Nice tree 🎄 7y
Cinfhen Yay!!! 7y
110 likes6 comments
Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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#UnderTheTree #DeckTheShelves

What do I spy all nestled under the tree? Why Christmas gifts; wrapped and ready to open!

DivaDiane I love your tree skirt! 7y
CrowCAH @DivaDiane thanks! I latch-hooked it several years ago. Besides the holly leaves, there are three candles. 7y
DivaDiane I thought it might be latch-hook! Brings me back to my 70‘s childhood! 7y
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Under the Christmas Tree | Gabriele Clima
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Not much there yet. #UnderTheTree #DeckTheShelves

Tamra We have even less and my daughter keeps telling me we need to wrap presents. 😂 And I keep telling her I don‘t want to come home to a bunch of torn presents thanks to a certain Velcro Lab. 🙀 7y
BibliophileMomma Owl wrapping paper 😍😍 (edited) 7y
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