I am fifty, and in fifty years a man has experienced, as a rule, all the ordinary and most of the extraordinary sensations that a human being can be subjected to.
I am fifty, and in fifty years a man has experienced, as a rule, all the ordinary and most of the extraordinary sensations that a human being can be subjected to.
A fantastic book! Beautiful descriptions of remote exotic sea and landscapes. Thought provoking and calming, it was a delight to read.
Ugh turrrrrrrible. Another Serial reads done though. Now if only I could finish Middlemarch - I‘m not enjoying. I must be missing something!
Landed in Iceland with beautiful weather. First stop: The Blue Lagoon. We got over the tour buses and did the whole experience: mud and algae masks, green juice poolside, and robe lounging. Now, on to our Airbnb and our first night in Reykjavik!