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Ziska: La strega delle piramidi | Marie Corelli
7 posts | 4 read | 3 to read
Armand Gervase ha tutto ci che si pu desiderare dalla vita: fama, successo, donne, denaro e, come artista, pu senz'altro dirsi realizzato visto che le sue opere sono esposte nelle pi importanti gallerie del mondo. Il suo quadro pi famoso raffigura un'affascinante donna dell'antico Egitto su uno sfondo ricco di particolari, anche se Gervase non ha nessuna conoscenza della storia del regno dei faraoni: come ha potuto dipingere un simile ritratto? L'artista, prigioniero di una vita lussuriosa e decadente, non sembra porsi il problema. Almeno finch al Cairo non incontra la misteriosa principessa Ziska, una donna di straordinaria bellezza in grado di ammaliare chi l'ascolta con appassionanti storie ambientate nella remota antichit egiziana. Catturato dal fascino di Ziska, Gervase sar presto costretto a fare i conti con un evento soprannaturale: la principessa identica alla donna del suo famoso quadro e quella inaspettata visione sembra improvvisamente parlargli di esperienze gi vissute. Ci che appare come inspiegabile, allora, si colorer di inquietudine profonda in una storia in cui il sapiente intreccio dei temi della seduzione, della reincarnazione e della vendetta spiegano lo straordinario successo di questo romanzo nel periodo vittoriano.
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This book will complete round 3 of our traveling book club! Such a wonderful group of ladies to have “met” here on Litsy! #coverToCover

Mccall0113 I hope I didn‘t forget anyone ! 4y
tpixie 🥳🥳🥳💗💗💗 4y
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Usually I choose one fiction and one non-fiction favorite, but this month I could not decide between a new fun read with Sourdough or an almost forgotten classic with Ziska for fiction. I also had some well-loved rereads with The Silmarillion and Anne of Green Gables, but I went with new choices for my stats.


tpixie Awesome!!!🎉👏🏻📚 7y
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This book was recommended by a friend as a different kind of gothic novel from what I had read, and I really enjoyed it. I don‘t quite know how to describe the story without giving too much information, but I appreciated the strength of Princess Ziska and how it turned a few gothic tropes on their heads. For example, the man is the one who is so overcome that he faints, and in one scene he distracts himself with the “frothiest of French novels.”

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Happy Friday Night! This is the first book I put on my #LitsyAtoZ list and one of the last two that I still need to read almost a year later. It was recommended by a good friend from her gothic lit class, and so far I‘m enjoying it. The story starts in Cairo, which is an interesting change of pace from other gothic novels I‘ve read.

Bookworm83 I admire you for finishing the Litsy A to Z challenge! This was not my year for finishing challenges, but oh well 😋 P.S. That lamp is great!! ❤️ 7y
Texreader I️ just finished my Z book, Zoo. Four more to go. 7y
Daisey @Bookworm83 Thanks! I‘m giving up on at least one challenge, but I will finish the A to Z list. I love this little lamp, although I don‘t light it often. 7y
Daisey @Texreader Yay! I have this book and my X book to go. 7y
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This novel was recommended by a friend from one of her literature classes. It's my choice for fulfilling all the letter Z prompts on challenges for next year.


rubyslippersreads ❤️ that cover! 8y
Godmotherx5 Ooh, sounds really good. 8y
BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 8y
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I decided to go ahead and sign up for the Litsy A to Z Challenge, but this is the only book I'll be putting on my planning list until I finish my school work for the semester and the reading for my 2016 challenges!


BookishMarginalia 👍🏼I'd never heard of this book before. Hope it's enjoyable! 8y
Daisey @BookishMarginalia When I was talking to a friend about reading The Romance of the Forest and Gothic literature in general, this was the book she recommended. I've borrowed her copy with notes and highlights from reading during a graduate level English class. 8y
BookishMarginalia Sounds very promising! 👍🏼 8y
Foxyfictionista I really liked The Sorrows of Satan. (I especially loved the provacative title.) I haven't heard of this one though. 8y
Daisey @Foxyfictionista It definitely sounds intriguing and different from what I normally expect with Gothic literature. I'll have to look up the other you mentioned as well. 8y
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