Day 19 - #Epiphany #QuotsyJuly19
@abbsinwonderland I actually completely forgot about this. Better get it in before it's too late 😊
I think my best realization was that other people's opinions really don't matter. I spent years worrying about what other people thought, how I should act how they wanted me to and being who they wanted me to be. Once I got out of that mindset, living for me is the happiest I've been 😊
@Melissa_J @Jabberwocky @BookishTrish
@abbsinwonderland #AbbsBlindDateWonderland
Thanks for the chance at another fab giveaway, Abbigail! I think my biggest epiphany over the last few years was/is that my relationship (now 11 years) is too one sided and it‘s just not going to change (for the better. I have to get out and and change things for me and my son somehow. This is a sad realization but I was fooling myself before into thinking things/he would change. I hope 2018 is THE year.
Thank you @abbsinwonderland for another truly fun #AbbsBlindDateWonderland. You are so generous. ❤️
A friend told this to me once...and it made me realize the truth of this. “Be grateful for all you have. Be thankful for all you have escaped”. I have never looked at gratefulness quite the same.
Thanks for the tag @LeeRHarry.
The best realisation I've had is very recent for me.
"I am what I am". To accept who I am in my own skin, be confident with who I am. I've also noticed since I've started to believe this, I've gotten more complements.
Thanks for the giveaway @abbsinwonderland #abbsblinddatewonderland
I tag @CoffeeCatsBooks @annkuch13 and @sprainedbrain