✨Aaaaand the runner up for #AbbsBlindDateWonderland is @cathysaid !!! Congratulations!!! 👏👏👏 Please email me your information and I will let you know what books are left after the Grand Winner picks her two. 😆😆 abbigailmarieh@gmail.com
✨Aaaaand the runner up for #AbbsBlindDateWonderland is @cathysaid !!! Congratulations!!! 👏👏👏 Please email me your information and I will let you know what books are left after the Grand Winner picks her two. 😆😆 abbigailmarieh@gmail.com
✨The Grand Winner of #AbbsBlindDateWonderland issssss.... @Hornsby78 !!! Congratulations!! 👏👏👏 Please email me your information within 24 hours at abbigailmarieh@gmail.com along with your two book picks (they're posted below this post!)💜💜💜📚
✨I'll be announcing the winners of #AbbsBlindDateWonderland soon! 💜📚 Any last minute entries, now's the time! I'll be officially closing and announcing winners in 40 minutes! 6:30 pm central time. 😆
✨I'll be announcing the winners of #AbbsBlindDateWonderland soon!💜📚
@abbsinwonderland #AbbsBlindDateWonderland
2nd entry #Giveaway
The best realization/epiphany I ever had was realizing that I can choose weather or not to be happy. I‘ve been through a lot of s#%t in my life. Like, a whole lot. And I have dealt, and still do deal with anxiety and depression. BUT, in general, I am a very happy person. I have chosen to be. I chase my happy, and I guard it well. 💗
Tagging: @kylienoele @ForeverNerdy @FictionFox
@abbsinwonderland I actually completely forgot about this. Better get it in before it's too late 😊
I think my best realization was that other people's opinions really don't matter. I spent years worrying about what other people thought, how I should act how they wanted me to and being who they wanted me to be. Once I got out of that mindset, living for me is the happiest I've been 😊
@Melissa_J @Jabberwocky @BookishTrish
My greatest epiphany was learning that it was alright to be different. I finally realized a couple of years ago that I will never quite fit in, and life is too short to keep trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It‘s much more fun to explore being a better me.
Can‘t forget:
The greatest epiphany I think I‘ve had is that you can‘t control how people react to you. You can‘t change other people‘s internal narrative. You can only control your own actions and reactions. Trying to tack against someone else‘s wind just makes you miserable and exhausted.
Oops, forgot to tag! @AceOnRoam
✨Little update... @bookworm.krizia your package will be sent out on Monday or Tuesday! I'll send you the tracking number through email! 😆
✨There's 11 days left for #AbbsBlindDateWonderland (see original post for deets.) I also have a calendar just for Litsy birthdays, so if you'd like to receive a card just email me your information and birthday at abbigailmarieh@gmail.com #AbbsUnbirthdayWonderland 🎉💜📚😘
@abbsinwonderland Don‘t forget to enter (up to 3) in the #AbbsBlindDateWonderland #giveaway
An epiphany...one I have over and over....worrying has no effect on a situation. If I had a $1 for every time I worried about something that turned out just fine.