Well that got dark! This was so my cup of tea. Spare prose, realistic, unsettling. Loved it. My first Bainbridge, but hopefully not my last. Now I might need to try the 1988 film adaptation.
Well that got dark! This was so my cup of tea. Spare prose, realistic, unsettling. Loved it. My first Bainbridge, but hopefully not my last. Now I might need to try the 1988 film adaptation.
Monday #bookmail. Loved Ackerman‘s The Genius of Birds so can‘t wait to learn more about owls. And I had to order tagged after the recent rave reviews from @LeahBergen and @Tamra - sounds so good!
This is a one sitting kind of read. Compulsive with its immediately dark undertone, you know something isn‘t quite right with the members of this family. 😟
In 1944 Liverpool, a sheltered young girl being raised by two middle-aged aunts starts to date an ‘inappropriate‘ American GI.
As one of the blurbs states: “Like the better Hitchcock films Miss Bainbridge suggests a claustrophobic horror all the more poignant for the brilliantly etched domestic setting…”
Don‘t read the Litsy blurb as it‘s best to go in blind here. This one is grim and shockingly good. 😬
Spare and tight. Horror, but in retrospect. The stunner of an ending changes your whole outlook on the characters. A wonderful depiction of a 17-year-old girl trying to create a great romance out of nothing but an oafish young man. #england #wwii #psychological #rationing #racism #minimalist #anglophilesoflitsy