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The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik
The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik | David Arnold
An epic wonder* from the bestselling author of Mosquitoland This is Noah Oakman ? sixteen, Bowie believer, concise historian, disillusioned swimmer, son, brother, friend. Then Noah ? gets hypnotized. Now Noah ? sees changes: his mother has a scar on her face that wasnt there before; his old dog, who once walked with a limp, is suddenly lithe; his best friend, a lifelong DC Comics disciple, now rotates in the Marvel universe. Subtle behaviors, bits of history, plans for the futureeverything in Noahs world has been rewritten. Everything except his Strange Fascinations . . . A stunning surrealist portrait, The Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik is a story about all the ways we hurt our friends without knowing it, and all the ways they stick around to save us. *Adam Silvera, bestselling author of More Happy Than Not and They Both Die at the End
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This book was a bit of a mind-trip, as Arnold‘s books tend to be. I didn‘t agree with all the philosophical conclusions, & Noah drove me rather batty at times. There were a lot of pop-culture references, which got old, and Noah‘s all-time favorite author (who is quoted constantly) is someone Arnold made up, which added to the confusion for me lol And yet – I found this compulsively readable, and it‘s left me turning over thought-rocks in my brain⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) ever since I finished it. Even though he drove me crazy sometimes, I was still rooting for Noah - I was also a pretentious 17-year-old once, who thought life was something that could be figured out if I read the right books and had the right conversations with the right people. This book wrestles with loneliness and friendship, with what “reaching out“ actually means, and how sometimes we find ourselves walking a path we don't remember ⬇ 13mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) choosing. It's not a book for everyone, but despite its weaknesses, I still enjoyed it.

#WickedWords - Pool @AsYouWish
#JoysofJune - Book 4/5 @Andrew65
Hooked_on_books I love the cover! 13mo
Andrew65 Doing great 👏👏👏 13mo
TheAromaofBooks @Hooked_on_books - Right?? It also has bright pink end pages, which for some reason I love haha 13mo
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August reads read. So busy setting up I forgot to post.

RamsFan1963 I've read Dreams of The Raven and The Tears of the Singers, both were good reads. 3y
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I‘ve had this book since Nov, but I think I read it at the right time. Mostly because of the Gilmore Girls references (which I had only seen a few eps of before but have been watching for the last few months) & the Labryinth reference (missed as an 80‘s kid, just watched in June). Arnold sometimes reminds me of John Green, esp with the Whitman reference. What is it about Whitman & YA authors? 👇

Scochrane26 Also, my experience with teens is that their fave authors aren‘t Woolf, Thoreau, etc. Just a quick convo in the book, so I‘m just being nit-picky. I loved the characters & the coming-of-age, loneliness, & coping w/ change themes. Noah‘s life becomes slightly askew after a party, & I did not figure out what was going on—is he hallucinating, depressed, tripping? Recommend this for anyone who likes YA. #doublespin book for #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 4y
TheAromaofBooks My copy came yesterday - looking forward to reading it!! 4y
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“I love the intentional, aimless wander that comes from years of experience roaming the aisles of libraries, imagining all those who have tread before..........and letting the mind delve the depths of a proper vanishing among books, just really good and f...ing turned around.
There is no kind of lost like library lost.”
The beginning of a section where 2 characters discuss their fave authors & the girl calls the MC out on his lack of feminism. ❤️

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I love that David Arnold lives in my area & is a great supporter of our local bookstores & events because he always has an interesting way to sign his books. I enjoyed looking at the acknowledgements in this book because he thanks one of my friends. My friend is a hs English teacher & said he invited David to speak in his creative writing class, then David asked him for help with shadowing teens for this book.

TheAromaofBooks I just ordered this book from Book Outlet!! I'm excited about reading it - loved Kids of Appetite, enjoyed Mosquitoland. That's fun that he's a local author for you! 4y
Scochrane26 @TheAromaofBooks I‘m getting ready to post a review, but I really liked this one. His books keep getting better. 4y
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Exactly what I‘ve been waiting for, and better than anything I could have imagined. Loved it!!!

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This was a compelling read about a teenager whose life all of a sudden seems strangely out of whack to him, and he can‘t figure out why. Great characters and so many great lines. Definitely a book to pick up if you find yourself tired of the same-old same-old.

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This book, omg this book! Ever pick something up on whim and find yourself completely enchanted by it that is how I feel about this crazy book. The way Arnold crafts this story is just so amazing, I have no words! I am now back tracking to read his other books.

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Hello Litsy! It‘s so nice to scroll through again!
I‘m back from Bonnaroo & am excited to get some reading done! Plus I picked this book up the other day! Sounds great + love this cover 😍
Hope everyone has a great week!🌸🌈
#reading #books #tbr #ya #novel #fiction #contemporary #litsy

BookishMe Welcome back 6y
somebooksaround @BookishMe thank youu!! 6y
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This is absolutely my favorite book by David Arnold to date. It's strange, quirky, and filled with friendship, future, and mystery. Definitely a recommendation!

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"Maybe conversations are more about the silence between words too."