Not sure I love this as much as her others but still really enjoying.
Not sure I love this as much as her others but still really enjoying.
Hit up the bookstore yesterday. I went last year on New Year‘s Day so this may be a new tradition.
Hit up the bookstore yesterday. I went last year on New Year‘s Day so this may be a new tradition.
So happy this is available as an audio book finally!
I hadn‘t read a book since December 17. Longest reading slump of the year. I picked this up because it was short and an author I don‘t typically read. Did the trick.
Had a holiday dinner out tonight with my very best friend. Restaurant was conveniently located near a local indie I don‘t get too often which was totally unplanned.
I‘m six books away from 100 for the year. This makes me feel like I have to read until I hit that number. This in turn makes me not want to read because I feel like I have too
Just starting My Sister the Serial Killer.
Second attempt on this one and I finished it. I still didn‘t love it.
Started this right after it published and ended up bailing. Giving it another go based on my SIL‘s assurance it‘s a slow start and to keep going.
Enjoyed this one much more than I was expecting. Picked up a copy for my mom for Christmas.
Up next?
I‘m 11 books away from 100 for the year so it‘s going to be a mad dash.
I love this series so much. How do I wait for the next volume with that ending???? 😭
Some stories are better than others. It was fun to see where some of her novels grew from. #readin2018
I didn‘t like this nearly as much as Tell Me Three Things but it‘s still a good book and worth a read. I may have liked it more if I hadn‘t read it right after TMTY.
Currently listening to What to Say Next. Although I‘ll probably be sleeping in ten minutes. 💤 💤💤
“... for without contrast, how does one appreciate the different forms that joy can take?”
A friend recommended this to me when I was looking for something to read on Sunday. This was the perfect rec. Do recommend.
I kind of forgot about this publishing this week. Is it Tuesday yet??
I started reading Becoming before bed last night and enjoyed what I read but I am not sure I am in the mood for memoir.
What was the last book you read that blew your socks off?
Wasn‘t sure what to read. Think I‘m gonna read this one.
Book 85. Set in 2001 just after 9/11 a head-scarf wearing girl and the star basketball player start to fall for one another. But will their peers accept them as a couple? They each learn lessons, one of trust, the other of privledge. Will their live survive?
Started this last night because my checkout expires in three days. Fingers crossed I can finish.
Overall I liked this book. It is very intense at times. The ending fell a little flat for me.
It‘s taking me a little longer to get through this one. It‘s so good but also so 💔. #currentlyreading
I don‘t understand why more people aren‘t reading this book. #readthisbook #bookrec
I‘d love to talk about the characters with someone else who‘s read. But overall this book was pretty underwhelming.
Green = new today!
Yellow = preordered!