Watched the final episode in season 1 now Netflix is taking this show off, I guess I won't continue watching this series. #Scarathlon2022 TBW TV Series @StayCurious #TeamMonsterMash
Watched the final episode in season 1 now Netflix is taking this show off, I guess I won't continue watching this series. #Scarathlon2022 TBW TV Series @StayCurious #TeamMonsterMash
Watching 2 more episodes of Hemlock Grove @StayCurious #Scarathlon2022 TBW List #TeamMonsterMash
Watched 3 episodes today. #Scarathlon2022 @StayCurious TBW TV SERIES #TeamMonsterMash
Finished Season 1 & watched an episode of Season 2. I love the gothic small town meets folktales vibe. I would have been good with it ending at season 1. There was a natural end to the story arc & it‘s the kind of story that doesn‘t need all the answers tied up neatly. Binge watched 10 episodes. 101 points. #scarathlon #teammonstermash
#Scarathlon2022 #TvSeries on TBW List @StayCurious TeamMonsterMash
Watched two episodes today. About werewolf and maybe a vampire @StayCurious #TvSeries on my TBW List #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash
#Scarathlon2022 #TvSeries on TBW list. 2 episodes and I was very impressed by those show. @StayCurious #TeamMonsterMash
First 4 episodes of Season 1. 40 points since based on a book. Debating whether I like enough to binge the remaining 29 episodes between now and 10-22 when it goes off Netflix. #teammonstermash #scarathlon
#littensdressedinblood #september #hungrylikeawolf #book #hemlockgrove #tvshow September 3
Prompt: Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran
I saw the series first, then thought it would make a good book, and as I suspected there it was. 'Hemlock Grove' I wouldn't call this scary but it definitely has eerie ness to it, as well as a gothic feel, however it also has suspense and mystery, as the two main characters try to uncover this big supernatural mystery. I would reccomend for a book to read that's intriguing yet simple, but I do prefer the series.😂
#Halloween #Horror #Netflix
Book sale success! Books on the right are mostly for my son with a few different ones thrown in for the nieces we are going to see next weekend at the hub‘s family reunion. Gears of War books are for my husband technically though I‘m sure I‘ll end up reading them as well! Sadly most of the books for me will stay behind while we are away all summer.
I do like that there's an extended argument about who would win a fight between Wolverine and Batman. I feel like I would rather read about that argument, though.
Oh, now you're going to insult the French, are you book? Well, guess what, the French don't like you, either!
Rape is treated incredibly casually - who was raped by whom is included in a list of things to know when school starts.
"'Don't be retarded,' said Peter." Yay. Ableism. /sarcasm.
Roman is "...depressed suddenly and terrifically by the defeated life of this lying whore..." WTF? Rinse and repeat the WTF?
Roman puts a syringe into the ass of a woman he was stalking in the mall. The trampy smelling one so I'm assuming the message is she deserved to be violated for her perfume choices?
I'm going to continue reading this to keep calling the author out on his shitty behavior.
"...smelling her trampy perfume..."
Two percent and we're slut shaming women on scent. I'm not surprised after reading this author's non-fiction.
I'm going to continue reading this to keep calling the author out on his shitty behavior.
"...smelling her trampy perfume..."
Twp percent and we're slut shaming women on scent. I'm not surprised after reading this author's non-fiction.
Starting a reread of those for Halloween bingo.
I liked it well enough. I wish I read it first before watching the show.
Watching Hemlock Grove on Netflix, has anyone read the book? Recommendable?
The pace of this book is faster than the tv show. Some events happened at different times also. Odd.