Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeees!
Couldn't buy it when l visited the exibition (l was already super in trouble with the weight of my luggage). So l bought it online.
And now it's mine!!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeees!
Couldn't buy it when l visited the exibition (l was already super in trouble with the weight of my luggage). So l bought it online.
And now it's mine!!!!
The Tolkien exhibition at the Bodleian was amazing! Such a privilege to see so many things from the archive, paintings, manuscripts, photographs, doodles, letters. Fascinating and well put together. The interactive relief map of the Fellowship's journey was mesmerising. No photography inside so I can only does you my souvenirs!
#YearOfTolkien #Tolkien #jrrtolkien
Guess who was in Oxford today!
I loved the exibition. So many objects and so much information.
Did the Tolkien and CS Lewis walking tour afterward. Loved that too... but now l'm exhausted. Goodnight.
This book was made as part of the Tolkien exhibition (summer & fall 2018) at the Bodleian Library. It‘s terrific. With short essays by the best writers on Tolkien & images (some never-before published) from Oxford‘s archive & the Tolkien estate, it‘s a wonderful summary book of JRRT‘s life & work. I‘m excited now for Christopher Tolkien‘s stand-alone release of his father‘s 1st major story of the Elder Days: The Fall of Gondolin.
@JazzFeathers I thought you might want to see a better pictures of the reproductions from the collector's edition!
I had to leave my collector's edition at work because my bag wasn't big enough so the pictures aren't great but it's just a taster of the gorgeous work. Can't wait to see the actual exhibition in September ❤️ (even the outer cardboard box was embossed with Tolkien's initials!)