Love this book and thoroughly recommend it. #Cafe
Love this book and thoroughly recommend it. #Cafe
End of day two of #DashingDecember Readathon. Read 393 pages and finished one book.
Overall summary
Read 1 / 14 books
Read 606 / 4500 pages
#WinterGames #CrushttheRush #ReadYourWay #BookSpinBingo #ProgressItDecember
Book 1 finished for #DashingDecember Readathon
This was a very enjoyable read about dealing with grief and finding new hope for life.
Now up to 384 / 4500 pages
Having loved some previous books of Amanda Prowse I was looking forward to this one but I'm left feeling a bit disappointed. The main character Bea felt a bit peachy to be honest, I think if she was my gran i would have knocked her over the balcony as no one could say anything to her without hearing a moral or a lesson to live by. Just couldn't relate to this book at all which was a shame.
Not usually a fan of cafes inside malls because they lack the cozy vibe that I enjoy in places I hang out in. But I had a cream cheese danish at this cafe the other day and I noticed they used books to decorate the place! Always a plus in my book.
#cafe #booksandcoffee
A perfect christmas romance. Loved it from start to finish. Easy to read as the words just flowed which made it feel like I was part of the story.