Listening to this book I felt it was a novel set in the author‘s life. Well crafted story by an interesting woman.
Listening to this book I felt it was a novel set in the author‘s life. Well crafted story by an interesting woman.
This is reminding me faintly of Charles McCarry's Ark--writing on a par.
It had been so long since I read this book. It's not traditional, but great nonetheless.
This book reads like a thinly-veiled account of Carrie Fisher's relationship with Paul Simon. I don't know if it actually is that, but it was fun to speculate while reading. As always with Carrie Fisher's books, the writing was fun and clever. #melodicmay day10: #crazylittlethingcalledlove
As with most of Carrie Fisher's books, Surrender the Pink had some good passages and quotes, but Carrie's writing style is so disjointed sometimes that it makes it hard to follow in places. You can tell this is also semi autographical, like Postcards From the Edge. I pictured the main character as Carrie. Overall, some enjoyable aspects. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wishful Drinking is still my favorite of hers by far. Worth reading if you're a fan of Carrie. 🤓
"She didn't know why people loved each other sometimes. Maybe it was simply that if you were ready, there was an opening and somebody walked through it, getting into your system, his pheromones mingling with yours, and suddenly you're undone and only that somebody can put you together again." ❤️
Went into Half-Price Books to kill time before my movie. I wasn't going to buy anything. . .