My favorite read this year. So relatable to me. So many feelings I‘ve had.
My favorite read this year. So relatable to me. So many feelings I‘ve had.
Being a Latina, I‘m well aware of our culture, so there wasn‘t anything new to me in this book. I had classmates come back married over spring break. Had friend‘s parents tell them education was a waste. They just needed a husband. The book was perfectly fine. I just wasn‘t surprised by it at all.
This was my favorite retelling of Pride and Prejudice to date. Super fun. Definitely recommend.
This was fun. Not overly fond of how the male reader read Hazel, but it was fun! I love a fun contemporary romance and a nice break from all the murder I usual read about. 😏
This was a bananas story. So many missteps. Such a meticulous killer. But the botched investigations blew my mind. I had to remind myself it actually happened and wasn‘t a far-fetched fiction crime story.
I love a good police procedural (The Closer is my favorite) so I watched Bosch and decided to read the book. It was really well done. So much that if I couldn‘t listen, I made sure I had to book to read a few pages here and there.
This was a funny and real look at being an immigrant in America.
This took me a long time to get through. It was difficult to listen to watch my ancestors went through (and what my ancestors did to them). But so good.
A nice bit of history on the infamous hotel. Just salacious enough without being too gossipy.
I heard about this book when the author was on a podcast. It‘s a sad, fascinating, weird story. Lots of history about the IRA and some key members and some key denials. It took me awhile to get through it, but really good.
This was a good one. Gives a good account of what the FBI does and the terror attacks he helped investigate. Also gives his account of this administration and how they operate.
This book could‘ve been better. The author jumped around too much. Didn‘t really advocate for herself or her kid, and doesn‘t really own up to some bad choices she made. She doesn‘t own up why clients only liked her (duh, your white). I was mostly disappointed, I can‘t exactly figure out why.
Love that Thomas had a teen struggling with poverty. Not enough YA books deal with this reality.
If you like hockey, this was a good read. Satisfied my sports need.
If you are curious about Kamala at all, this is a must read. She dives into her policy ideas.
Ambitious and at times confusing (I needed a map), but very good. Makes you think and leaves you hanging.
I had never read it before and no one ever handed it to me while in school.
This was so much better than I could have hoped. The author did a great job of including inclusive research across all history. Just wish their had been more Latinas included in her research.
Compelling and a bit emotional read about the border. The first part is a series of stories from when the author was la migra. They just flow into one another. The second part dives into why people leave. The third is an account of illegal status and what happen when caught crossing over. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
I had been meaning to read this one for a long time and it was amazing. I never truly knew the extent of how terrible things where in South Africa. This books is heartbreaking and makes you smile. Read. It.
This was a fantastic book. Highly recommend!
The second Ballard book and I still really liked it! There was a lot going on, but it was fun (as much fun as mystery and suspense can be). May have to read all the Bosch books eventually.
I love non-fiction and it was nice to hear about Friends with today‘s prospective intermixed. I do have trouble watching returns at times, and this books talks about that a bit.
I always enjoy a good celebrity biography, but I really liked this one. It was honest and raw, and she doesn‘t shy away from owning up to her mistakes and showing her insecurities. I recommend the audiobook because you can hear the emotion in her voice.
I had no idea how much Catherine Oxenberg did to help being down the cult. I hope her daughter let‘s go if that cult.
When I was in London a couple of years ago, I happen to catch one of Sarah Millican‘s stand-up special on BBC. It was hysterical. I‘m always looking for ways to get her work here, and was thrilled to find her book.
So sad. It‘s just stunning at how this epidemic started and continues. After it was briefly mentioned in Liberal Redneck, I knew I wanted to read more. This book met that need. Tough, but good read.
I‘m sure I‘m the grander scheme it‘s great, but for the intro I found it a bit slow.
This took me a long time to get through because I knew the ending. It was heartbreaking to learn of all the struggles they endured. I appreciate the details on what ultimately lead to Carrie‘s death.
This was good. We know much about what he is trying to get at, but he ties it to the past (how this stuff has always happened). And props for talking about the REAL first Thanksgiving.
I was fascinated by the story, but not the storyteller. Like, no need to keep repeating the local, TERRIBLE nickname of the black woman. ONCE WAS ENOUGH WHITE DUDE WHO WROTE THE BOOK.
Some stories were better than others. It was a fast listen. May have been a little too midwesterny white ladies for me.
I LOVED this book. So funny and honest. One of the best celebrity readings of their own book I‘ve heard.
I felt like it was overly dramatic. Like, how much shit is does protagonist have to go through in book 1? Different, but eh.
It was interesting. Could be another book based on her federal indictment.
He‘s had an interesting career. There are a lot of unsaid things.
So good. Sad and depressing. The laws in place for the “war on drugs” are reprehensible.
I loved the way it started, but I didn‘t love it as much as I thought I would.
The story that inspired this book is heartbreaking. Gut wrenching. It‘s not talked about enough. The plane crash that killed 32 happened not far from here. The fact it took over 70 years to properly identify the migrant workers is devastating.
I had every intention of listing to this book. It was great and all about the process. It was creepy! But it got creeper for me when I realized part of it happened in the city I worked, when the author interviewed someone in my hometown, and I realized my place of work was helping with the investigation.
These books are so fun and ridiculous. I love them!
I wasn‘t very sympathetic to Celestial. Team Roy all the way.