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The Creative Habit
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life | Twyla Tharp
One of the worlds leading creative artists, choreographers, and creator of the smash-hit Broadway show, Movin Out, shares her secrets for developing and honing your creative talentsat once prescriptive and inspirational, a book to stand alongside The Artists Way and Bird by Bird. All it takes to make creativity a part of your life is the willingness to make it a habit. It is the product of preparation and effort, and is within reach of everyone. Whether you are a painter, musician, businessperson, or simply an individual yearning to put your creativity to use, The Creative Habit provides you with thirty-two practical exercises based on the lessons Twyla Tharp has learned in her remarkable thirty-five-year career. In "Where's Your Pencil?" Tharp reminds you to observe the world -- and get it down on paper. In "Coins and Chaos," she gives you an easy way to restore order and peace. In "Do a Verb," she turns your mind and body into coworkers. In "Build a Bridge to the Next Day," she shows you how to clean the clutter from your mind overnight. Tharp leads you through the painful first steps of scratching for ideas, finding the spine of your work, and getting out of ruts and into productive grooves. The wide-open realm of possibilities can be energizing, and Twyla Tharp explains how to take a deep breath and begin...
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I think this was last Tuesday‘s book swap haul?

Jeg You are amazing. 2y
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I swear there are actually books under this cat pile 🐱📚

kspenmoll Cuties!!!!😹😹 4y
DinoMom My cat loves to lay on books! These to are cuties ! 4y
Pricel101 Cuuuuute!!! 😺😺📚 4y
Lcsmcat But today, kitty piles are very necessary! 😻 3y
Bookish.SAM @Lcsmcat ... you are very right! 😊 3y
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Art is competitive with yourself, with the past, with the future. It is a special war zone where first you make the rules, and then you test the consequences.

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No matter how limited your resources, they‘re enough to get you started.


It‘s tempting to try to rein in the unruliness of the creative process, especially at the start. Planning lets you impose order on the chaotic process of making something new, but when it‘s taken too far you get locked into a status quo, and creative thinking is about breaking free from the status quo, even from one you made yourself. That‘s why it‘s vital to know the difference between good planning and too much planning.


The more you are in the room working, experimenting, banging away at your objective, the more luck has a chance of biting you on the nose.


Scratching can look like borrowing or appropriating, but it‘s an essential part of creativity. It‘s primal, and very private. It‘s a way of saying to the gods, “Oh, don‘t mind me, I‘ll just wander around in these back hallways…” and then grabbing that piece of fire and running like hell.

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lahousewyfe Ok. Third time I've had this book show up in my life. Time to pull it out and give it another try. 6y
BeansPage @lahousewyfe LOL yeah I think it's calling to you! 😉 6y
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Can‘t wait to dig into this gem! 32 lessons in creativity from one of America‘s best choreographers.

sherri This one has been in my TBR pile way too long. Thanks for the reminder! 6y
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"The only thing i fear more than change is no change. The business of being static makes me nuts."
#quotsyjan18 #Static @TK-421

Sassy_Steph I fear bad change! Everyone in Canada said oh we need change so they voted in our airhead prime minister! Bad change is not good!! 6y
GripLitGrl @Sassy_Steph Bad change is never good. I hear ya on that I'm in the U.S. no need to say anymore on our tweeting disaster he always says more than enough. I think the quote is more about self change moving forward in life. Not being stuck. 6y
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This is one of the best #Creative book I've read in a long time. I think same applies to 'I'm starting to read and beginning to read'. #MBSCRecommends #Creative #TopTips

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Bookmarks, pens, TWO BOOKS (one of which I literally just bought...but this one is annotated), a short story, socks...it's a pretty fun box. I probably won't keep up my subscription because money is tight right now...but I like it!

Rachellynnwright Thanks for showing the contents! I was curious about this one 🤓 7y
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#bookmail!! In case anyone else got the horror box, I'll post the contents under a spoiler tag. :3

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@BookBabe & @MrBook spoke with @jeff today ???!  PageHabit is giving away a $500(!!!!!!) gift card to the Book Outlet & TEN—that's right, 10—lucky winners receive a PageHabit book box of their choice! It‘s the ULTIMATE BOOK HAUL!!! WOOHOO! To win, just click here & follow the prompts: http://bit.ly/PHgives. Help us spread the word to the rest of the #LitsyFamily ?????! ?
#giveaway #ultimatebookhaul

BookBabe 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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Today's reading materials are more about improving myself than escaping into new worlds.


Reading, conversation, environment, culture, heroes, mentors, nature -- all are lottery tickets for creativity. Scratch away at them and you'll find out how big a prize you've won. Page 103

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To me, art includes painting, dance, writing, coloring and all things that tickle our creative spirit. I bought this book to feed that spirit, but then gave it to an artist friend who needed it. It's still on my #tbr. Has anyone read it? My late entry for #artrelatedbooks #seasonsreadings @RealLifeReading #inspiringquotesbywomen

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Here's my pick for #photoadaynov16 #inspiring - it's packed full of fascinating ideas and creative exercises. Unfortunately, I've started it three times and never finished it! Maybe next year I should resolve to get through the whole book.

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Only just started this, I'm hoping it will help me focus. But not much chance of that I'm afraid!

RaimeyGallant A belated welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon #LitsyLove P.S. A bunch of us posted Litsy tips a few days back. Check about 8 posts back on my page. :) 7y
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