Book 17 of #MGMarch #middlegrademarch Sonnenblick always delivers humorous, relevant reads. On top of middle school growing pains, a girl must deal with witnessing her father have a stroke and struggle to recover. @Eggs
Book 17 of #MGMarch #middlegrademarch Sonnenblick always delivers humorous, relevant reads. On top of middle school growing pains, a girl must deal with witnessing her father have a stroke and struggle to recover. @Eggs
This book was spot on! I love Sonnenblick‘s writing: serious topics with just the right dose of humor.
I related so well to Claire — although my mom and I have 30 years on Claire and her dad. The struggle my mom faced after her stroke was very similar. And then there‘s Mrs. Selinski — yep, I made a connection there as well 😢
#WishIReadThisSooner but I think it was the perfect time for me 🙂
#huggable #Caudill2019
So, looking through the posts, I found mine from when I bought this book — two years ago! If that doesn‘t say something about my TBR I don‘t know what will!
On the #Caudill2019 list, I‘m finally reading a book I already know I will love. Everything by Sinnenblick is amazing.
Starting this one now! 20 pages in and I'm loving it so far!
Getting through my currently reading pile means I can start new books! Looking forward to reading this one. On another note, anyone have any good audiobook recommendations?
I thought it was a really cute story. It's about a girl dealing with her father's stroke. However I thought some of the solutions were a little unrealistic and spectacular and that took away from the story a little.
I love a good stand-alone book with plenty of humor and heart. Sonnenblick hasn't yet failed to deliver either one.
I just finished this book and I LOVED IT. I recommend this to anyone who enjoyed "Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie".
This book was great. Seeing Claire's dad go through a stroke and struggling but making it through, and having Claire and her family deal with that, along with Claire doing worse in dance and in band is what makes this book great. This book is great with the perfect amount of drama and comedy.
I probably wouldn't have listened if I knew what this book was about. A little too close to home, tho Claire is only 13 when her father has a stroke, and he survives. Between tears and laughter she gets to know her dad again as he struggles to recover & she also somehow gets thru 8th grade. Deserving of its started reviews. #audiobook read by Miriam Volle was well done, tho Volle sometimes sounded a little too young. Still highly recommend
I have not read this yet but I have read everything else Jordan Sonnenblick has written so I already know I'm going to love this! I will have a box of tissues handy. No doubt I'll need them!
I've not posted any photos of my Hedgie previously because, frankly, she's old & in ill health & can't stand up well anymore. (I had to snatch this pic quick before she fell over sideways.). But my BFF sent me these super cute Book Buddy hedgehog sticky notes, so I thought it was occasion enough to pull her out to model with them.
As Truvy says: "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion" and this book definitely delivers. Classic Sonnenblick, this one's not to be missed. #24in48 5th book read, about 12.5 hours in and not going to bed quite yet! @24in48
This book is soooo good! It had me quietly crying while turning pages. It follows 13 year old Claire as she witnesses her father have a stroke and then his recovery, all while trying to survive her last year in middle school. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥