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Zeppo's First Wife
Zeppo's First Wife: New and Selected Poems | Gail Mazur
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from Enormously Sad . . . Sad, so sad-compared to what? To your earlier more oblivious state? It never was oblivious enough- always those presentiments of sadness prickling the limbic. Now a voice says, Get outside yourself, go walk on the flats. The tide's gone out but your little metal detector will detect little metallic coins of enormous sadness in the teeming wet sand, and then, the tide will come back, erasing, cleansing! And you, standing there in the salty scouring air- will you still be enormously sad, While the other world, outside your tiny purview, struck by iron, reels? World of intentional iron, pure savage organized iron of the world, it hasn't the time that you have for your puny enormous sadness. Widely acclaimed for expanding the stylistic boundaries of both the narrative and meditative lyric, Gail Mazurs poetry crackles with verbal invention as she confronts the inevitable upheavals of a lived life. Zeppos First Wife, which includes excerpts from Mazurs four previous books, as well as twenty-two new poems, is epitomized by the worldly longing of the title poem, with its searching poignancy and comic bravura. Mazurs explorations of this fallen world, this loony world are deeply moving acts of empathy by a singular moral sensibilityevident from the earliest poem included here, the much-anthologized Baseball, a stunning birds-eye view of human foibles and passions. Clear-eyed, full of paradoxical griefs and appetites, her poems brave the most urgent subjectsfrom the fraught luscious Eden of the ballpark, to the fragility of our closest human ties, to the implications for America in a world where power and war are cataclysmic for the strong as well as the weak.
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I had to look up who Mayakovsky was. 😂

IndoorDame I read this one too this morning and also had to look him up! 😂 4w
TheSpineView 🤩🤩🤩 4w
dabbe @IndoorDame That was another hard word! 🤩😂🤗 3w
dabbe @TheSpineView Another hard word! 🤩😂😀 3w
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Please read the whole poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46806/i-wish-i-want-i-need. It‘s so amazing, and twists from here in a way you don‘t expect. #wish #poetrymatters @TheSpineView @LazyDays

TheSpineView 😍 5y
Leftcoastzen Wow , I love that so much ..oh Hubbell! 5y
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