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History of God
History of God | Karen Armstrong
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Karen Armstrong's Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life. In this stunningly intelligent book, Karen Armstrong, one of Britain's foremost commentators on religious affairs, traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, from the time of Abraham to the present. From classical philsophy and medieval mysticism to the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the modern age of skepticism, Karen Armstrong performs the near miracle of distilling the intellectual history of monotheism into one superbly readable volume, destined to take its place as a classic.
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A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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Whoa - it's A Lot! The writing was engaging, but there was so much repetition that honestly I skimmed a whole lot. The repetition was due to the many scholars tweaking of theory through the ages, and not poor writing.

I learned a lot, had some beliefs reaffirmed, changed my mind completely on some others, and had some questions answered; though now I have different ones.

All in all avery worthy read!

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A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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"In the beginning, human beings created a God who was the First Cause of all things and Ruler of heaven and earth."


A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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After 24 years on the ol' #TBR shelf, it's time 📖

I'm either going to be sucked in or wake up dreading to read 🤷🏻‍♀️ Let's see how this goes

#NFNR #Nonfiction

ChaoticMissAdventures LoL that's a long time on a TBR! What convinced you to read it instead of just removing it? 11mo
BarbaraBB It is very good! Especially in these times. These three religions are do much alike it‘s bizarre they are responsible for so much violence and so many wars. 11mo
TheBookgeekFrau @BarbaraBB Exactly!! I've always wondered about wars waged in the name of God; like if this is what your God demands of you, is He worth worshipping? And yet the bottom line of each religion is about peace 🤯 11mo
TheBookgeekFrau @ChaoticMissAdventures Crazy, right?!!!! Every time I culled my shelves and came to this book, I just couldn't part with it. I knew I'd eventually read it bc I'm just fascinated by the way religion shapes the workings of the world. 11mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @TheBookgeekFrau I went through a lot of religions as a teen, and then did many religion classes as a student. Lots of education to stay an atheist. I haven't read this one though, I hope you enjoy it. @BarbaraBB is so right, this is the perfect time to dive in with the state of the world as it is. 11mo
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History of God | Karen Armstrong
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I highly recommend this book on how God has been perceived throughout the centuries in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Ms Armstrong posseses the rare gift of presenting and explaining complex theories and ideas in understandable, readable language.
"Human beings cannot endure emptiness and desolation; they will fill the vacuum by creating a new focus of meaning." Let's hope the substitute is not fundamentalism or despair.

Zeb One of the finest book by a finest author 5y
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A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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"Civilization could lead to universal peace when a generous, liberal society was created by a ruler like Akbar who made bigotry impossible."

Instead of dividing people with a rhetoric of hate for and fear of 'the other', this is what we should work towards: a generous, liberal, unified society, in which we don't force each other to be, believe and live in a certain way, but respect each other's differences.

Aimeesue I'm with Akbar. There's more than one way to get to God. 5y
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History of God | Karen Armstrong
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26 years later...I don‘t think the Cold War really ended, but had a thaw. We may not be locked in an unending nuclear standoff, but tines still aren‘t great. Still facing down ecological disaster, despite all the ostriches in positions of power. Maybe some good news on the AIDS front, not sure.

Definitely still valid concerns all around.

History of God | Karen Armstrong
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Woo, boy, this took some doing! A very informative book that gave me a lot to think about, but it‘s very tough to get through.

Some negatives: I found some of the layout difficult, as the chapters follow different ideas in times and traditions that overlap, so in some sections there‘s a lot of “we‘ll discuss this in the next chapter.” Also, inconsistent in giving dates for key figures or their works.

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ravenlee I wish there were an updated version, as I‘m curious how events over the last 26 years would affect Armstrong‘s conclusions. There‘s a very astute, brief section on modern fundamentalism at the end that could be a whole book by this point - Muslim AND Christian. 5y
ravenlee But I‘m glad I got through it. It‘s always nice to see books/authors I‘m familiar with being referred to in a new read. Now it‘s time to dig out some of those works and go through them myself (but not until I‘ve had a hefty dose of fiction to restore myself!). 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I read this years ago and would also love to see an updated version. 5y
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A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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“Science demands the fundamental belief that there is a rational explanation for everything; it also requires an imagination and courage which are not dissimilar to religious creativity.”

While I like this quote, I‘m not quite sure about the first part. There are plenty of scientists who are also people of faith. This just feeds the idea that science and religion are fundamentally opposed and irreconcilable.

MommyWantsToReadHerBook I rather agree with you. Man I started this book but if was heavy going and I quickly bailed! 5y
ravenlee @MommyWantsToReadHerBook it certainly is! I‘m finding it very interesting, though - partly because these first few chapters align with the ancient history in my daughter‘s curriculum. I really need quiet to concentrate on this one, so it‘s slow going. 5y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @ravenlee good for you, I really should pick it up again - someday! Sounds very good. 5y
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History of God | Karen Armstrong
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“Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”

Boy, isn‘t that the truth.

GondorGirl That quote speaks to me on a deep level. 😍😂😭 5y
ravenlee @GondorGirl me too. On the one hand, it explains why we all seek refuge in books! But on the other it really speaks to how people can maintain belief in a religious/political/societal structure that is vastly outdated and illogical. 5y
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History of God | Karen Armstrong
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First - Yahweh was the original social justice warrior. I find that interesting, and wish so-called Christian conservatives understood that.

Second - and possibly explaining the quandary of the first - “the religion of compassion is followed only by a minority; most religious people are content with decorous worship in synagogue, church, temple and mosque.”

A History Of God | Karen Armstrong

I finished reading this book recently. The book serves as a decent informative source concerning the concept of GOD. It provides a historical touch while depicting people's POVs about GoD.

A History Of God | Karen Armstrong
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I've always enjoyed reading Karen Armstrong's perspective on the history of religion. #history

This is an older book off my shelf. What do fellow Littens think about me showing some of my pre-litsy reads? I have a lot of them.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Go for it! I share ones I really enjoyed and think speak to current events. I've also been known to pull out an oldie but goodie for a 'Recommend Wednesday' or 'Throwback Thursday post.' #TBT #Recommendsday (edited) 7y
TrishB All books welcome 👍 7y
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Sace 98% of the books I own are pre-Litsy. I would love older books. 1. I likely already own it (like this one) so 2. I won't be tempted! 😊 7y
DivaDiane I say, go for it! 7y
CouronneDhiver Let's see 'em! Older books are great 7y
readinginthedark I use a lot of my pre-Litsy reads for daily photo posts when I'm not currently reading something that fits! 7y
ptkpepe98 I forgot I read that one. Good stuff! 7y
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History of God | Karen Armstrong
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#nonfiction My first association for #heaven is God. I'm an atheist, but I am interested in developing/reasons/the evolution of beliefs and religions.


Yanes That's so interesting... I can't wait for your review and your thoughts on this book. Especially since you are an atheist. 7y
Simona @Yanes I've read it a few years ago, and my conclusion was - that the problem of different religions (mainly monotheistic) is their organization, religion has become through the process and practice 'organized theory ' what led to the dogmatism ... instead of staying intimate, personal experience. I can agree with that. About the book in general - it's informative, very detailed and very 'dry'. 7y
Yanes I can relate to that... people nowadays want to believe so hard that they don't doubt anything they hear... there is no room for critics or doubts... and that's what makes it almost impossible to reason with a religious man or woman. This makes me angry and sad. I will skip on this one. Thanks for your summary and your opinion on this book. 7y
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Simona You're welcome 😊 @Yanes 7y
tricours I was just looking at this one on my shelves the other day, thinking it's perhaps about time I read it! 7y
Simona @tricours It's not bad, but it demands a lot of patience. 7y
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