This was a pretty good version of Guardians. I don't like how they drew Quill but Rocket is pretty great, plus Iron Man!
This was a pretty good version of Guardians. I don't like how they drew Quill but Rocket is pretty great, plus Iron Man!
Very talky, like most of Bendis's work. Iron Man really serves no purpose. Kinda forgettable as a whole.
So the Avengers: Infinity War trailer released today and I‘m excited. I love the Marvel universe and movies. My roomie, however, has not seen them with the exception of Guardians, Doctor Strange and the new Thor, so I made a list of all we need to watch before the new film.
I‘ve been trying to read this one, but I‘ve had a headache for over a day now and I can‘t function straight.
#marvel #graphicnovels #bujo
Tomorrow‘s reading material.
#graphicnovels #batgirl #guardiansofthegalaxy #iamgroot #starlord
Really enjoyed this. Good artwork and good flow. Really getting back into graphic novels again
This was a really fun comic! Star-Lords backstory was rather different than in the movies, so it was interesting to read about that. Rocket and Groot were really fun side characters, of course, just like Drax. And it was cool to see Iron Man team up with the Guardians! I would have liked to see more of Gamora though, because her role was rather small...
More wood bookmarks arrived yesterday !! Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy and Riverdale/Jughead 😍💙
Paris designs the best bookmarks !
Currently stuck at work but get to open my #SummerSantaGoesPostal box when I get home ☺️
O.M.G!!!! My toddler Groot arrived today! Is he not the cutest thing ever!!?? Who else can't wait to see Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2?
#iamgroot #guardiansofthegalaxy #toddlergroot
Love! Reading the graphic novel helped me to understand the Marvel universe and the guardians plot better.
Bonus: a drawing by the illustrator of I Hate Fairyland! So cute 😍
Peter Quill is from Colorado! That's why he's so cool 😎
Have you seen Christopher Bell's TED talk about what the lack of female superhero toys and merchandise is teaching children about the world? It's important. Bring on the female superheroes: https://www.ted.com/talks/christopher_bell_bring_on_the_female_superheroes
I really enjoyed reading about Peter's backstory and his awful relationship with his father. Also gotta love Groot and Rocket kicking butt
Starting this today! Haven't read a Guardians comic before, looking forward to it