Mystery guest
Week in Review
An experiment
Cormorant Lake by Faith Merino
Summer by Edith Wharton
Mystery guest
Week in Review
An experiment
Cormorant Lake by Faith Merino
Summer by Edith Wharton
Returned from vacation to find these stuffed into the mailbox. Thanks Abebooks for the speedy delivery!
#1001books, #Reading1001
Today is the independence day. I watched the classic movie version of The Unknown soldier and enjoyed the snow. I should really read the book again. It has been years since I did that and it has been the only war book I've ever liked.
I've spent my childhood playing in old trenches in our near by forest. The connection with Finnish war history felt vague, my grandfathers stories of the war didn't link with my playground reality: I wasn't sure what they were, perhaps they had been dug to protect some castle somewhere...