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Noughts & Crosses (Revised)
Noughts & Crosses (Revised) | Malorie Blackman
Two young people are forced to make a stand in this thought-provoking look at racism and prejudice in an alternate society. Sephy is a Cross -- a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a Nought -- a colourless member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood, but that s as far as it can go. In their world, Noughts and Crosses simply don t mix. Against a background of prejudice and distrust, intensely highlighted by violent terrorist activity, a romance builds between Sephy and Callum -- a romance that is to lead both of them into terrible danger. Can they possibly find a way to be together? In this gripping, stimulating and totally absorbing novel, black and white are right and wrong."
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Black & White | Malorie Blackman
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PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 12mo
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Soft pick. Blackman's language is a bit dated (wowza?), The storyline is interesting, sort of a Romeo/Juliet in a segregation/Apartheid society. Drawbacks for this book though is even with the length I didn't feel like I really got close to the main characters, I didn't feel any emotional connection to them. I think it would have had a bigger impact on me when I was younger.

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Does anybody know anything about this book? I need motivation to start this one.

WomanistBibliophile I read it recently and the rest of the series. The first book is the best of them imo. There‘s quite a lot going on in there. But I also much preferred the other couple of Malorie Blackman‘s YA novels that I read, Noble Conflict and Chasing the Stars, both of which I loved 4y
Santie I hope I enjoy it. Kinda bummed that it‘s YA, didn‘t realize that when I bought it. Not going with my theme for now. I never really pick out books and just read it, it‘s almost always recommended books that I get. But we will see how it goes 🤞 4y
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Black & White | Malorie Blackman
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TheSpineView So good! That last line gave me the shivers! 🧡🖤 5y
Eggs @TheSpineView 🖤🥶🖤 5y
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#booked2019 ya diverse - A bk i haven't read but have always wanted to and was sat in tbr pile. So far im overwhelmed by the ideas + this quote ' But how many individuals does it take before it's not the individuals who are prejudiced but society itself? ' I will finish tomorrow but wonder why i haven't rd it b4 now. Not sure that YA label necessarily does favours to bks that shld be read by adults yet are incredibly important for yng readers.

Lindy I remember when my YA book club read this. We had a great discussion. 5y
andrew61 @Lindy my book club did it a few years ago and bizarrely it was one of tue the very few I've missed! I can well imagine it must make a great discussion and oddly i listened to a podcast today saying that a Netflix adaptation is coming up. 5y
Lindy @andrew61 Could be an interesting adaptation. I don‘t watch a lot of movies but this one might be worthwhile. 5y
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youneverarrived I remember loving this book when I was younger. It opened my eyes a bit. 5y
andrew61 @youneverarrived yes i have just finished it and it is a very intense read. I know we have the other two in the trilogy as someone gave them to my daughters at some point so i will definitely try them soon. 5y
youneverarrived You‘ll have to let me know if you read the other books, be interested to see if you think they are worth the read as I‘ve not read them 👍 5y
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Black & White | Malorie Blackman
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My Black White and Read #cupidgoespostal will be on its way Monday. @BookishMarginalia

Cinfhen Pretty wrapping 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Wow some killer wrapping skills! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍 6y
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Naughts & Crosses | Malorie Blackman

Doctor Who just started... Co written by Malorie!!

Himmel und Hlle | Malorie Blackman
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Ich liebe liebe liebe dieses Buch!!!

Ich finde es ist so eine tolle Geschichte! Ich will gar nicht erst versuchen zu beschreiben worum es geht, aus Angst es falsch zu machen 🙊 Ich habe dieses Buch schon vor ein paar Jahren gelesen und habe es inmer noch genau im Kopf. Ich fand den zweiten und dritten Teil zwar überhaupt nicht mehr toll, aber egal. Man kann auch nach dem ersten Buch aufhören. 😂

Dieses Buch verdient viel mehr Aufmerksamkeit! 💕

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Noughts & Crosses (Revised) | Malorie Blackman

Suggested by a friend. A young adult novel - flips the current world-order, black people are the dominant group and white people are the oppressed. Although formulaic, it does give pause for reflection and has a surprise ending.