A compelling biography of a brilliant monarch.
A compelling biography of a brilliant monarch.
#bachelorette #fiercefeb
I‘m not a Tudor fan - just too over hyped for me - but I am an Elizabeth fan 👍🏻 girlpower 😁
Love this book. As someone who never studied much history in school this is both interesting and informative
#readjanuary #royals
A student gave me this last semester. She said it reminded her of me when she saw it in the store. I haven't read it yet (to be honest, it reeked of cigarette smoke so I had to let it air out first.)
#novemberland #nonfictionnovember #whitequeen @TizJ3ss #day10 I really didn't have a good one for #bookishcrown
Elizabeth I was a woman like no other. She brought religious tolerance to England after extreme Protestantism of Edward and extreme Catholicism under Mary. She refused to marry as she didn't want a Consort King running the country that was hers by hereditary. She made great changes to England, built an Armada that beat Spain which no one expected. She was one of England's greatest rulers.