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Ongoingness: The End of a Diary | Sarah Manguso
A dazzling philosophical investigation of the challenge of living in the present, by a brilliant practitioner of the new essayIn her third book, which continues to define the contours of the contemporary essay, Sarah Manguso confronts a meticulous diary that she has kept for twenty-five years. "I wanted to end each day with a record of everything that had ever happened," she explains. But this simple statement belies a terror that she might forget something, that she might miss something important. Maintaining that diary, now 800,000 words, had become, until recently, a kind of spiritual practice. Then Manguso became pregnant and had a child, and these two Copernican events generated an amnesia that put her into a different relationship with the need to document herself amid ongoing time. Ongoingness is a spare, meditative work that stands in stark contrast to the volubility of the diaryit is a haunting account of mortality and impermanence, of how we struggle to find clarity in the chaos of time that rushes around and over and through us.
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My #weeklyreport. Finished a couple of books I had neen reding awhile as well as one I just picked up last week. I am going to reread Ongoingness, though. There is so much there - I don't feel I did it justice at all. I had 2 books arrive from my bookstore order, 2 books from a hold on Monday and then, on Saturday, when I stopped to pick up a hold I saw 3 books I had been wanting to read! A good week's haul! I had to clear my calendar.

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This book is going to stay with me for a long time.

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A quick little read on a snowy day.

Soubhiville Pretty! 6y
bookcollecter Beautiful photograph! 6y
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Mini book haul! I have no money for books atm but my dream job just turned me down so I wanted to do something nice for myself 😞 I‘m out in London with a friend and my mums taking me out for dinner so I‘ll be fine but feel a bit rubbish now

TrishB Sorry to hear 😞 6y
PurpleyPumpkin Ugh, not fun. But I‘m glad you treated yourself. You deserve it! 6y
Simona Sorry for your bad day 😔 Please, check your Goodreads message box 😘 6y
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batsy I'm sorry to hear that ☹️ Sending good vibes your way 6y
Tamra Hang in there! 6y
Emilymdxn @TrishB @PurpleyPumpkin @batsy @Tamra thank you so much darlings! I didn‘t have the worst day on average as my friend and mum showed me a great time in London! I‘m disappointed but I guess this happens to everyone once 😞 6y
Emilymdxn @Simona checked and replied! You‘re an angel 💖 6y
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This is a relatively easy to read collection of vignettes about a person's diary keeping. I didn't find it to be the mind blowing volume the blurbs kept assuring me it was but it made me think about time, myself, and mortality which I appreciated.


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Beautiful and slim work about memory, growth and this author's quest to keep a diary throughout her life. There was a lot about motherhood, which I enjoyed.

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I cannot recommend enough this dense little book of prose poetry memoir about mortality​, time and memory.

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I'm trying not to post each line of this book as a quote.

Lindy I felt the same way when I read this. 😊 7y
beccaeve @Lindy It's excellent writing! 7y
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This book is fascinating and dense. Each sentence packs a quotable punch.

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Finished ONGOINGNESS today. Here's one of my favorite sentences.

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"More than that, I wrote so I could say I was truly paying attention."

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Next little book for today!

Lindy It's a wonderful book. ❤️ 7y
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I rarely post on my book blog anymore, but today I did a roundup with brief reviews.


Jhullie Mine has been sadly neglected too. Litsy is far more interactive and enjoyable for me. 8y
Lindy @Jhullie Exactly! 😎 8y
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And then I think I don't need to write anything down ever again. Nothing's gone, not really. Everything that's ever happened has left its little wound.

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During the first few years of my marriage I was highly susceptible to the previous day. I was convinced the marriage would soon be over, but it wasn't over. The problem was my inability to experience it as ongoing.

[Detail from 'The Chicken's Wedding' at the tile museum in Lisbon.]

rubyslippersreads ❤ that tile! 8y
Lindy @rubyslippersreads I know! Isn't it amazing? I came home with a bookmark of the image. 8y
BethFishReads I really like this book 8y
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Will Schwalbe: Someone once told me that if you want to know what a book is really about, just read the last word.
I would describe Manguso's thoughtful, gorgeous essay as a chronicle of her journey through anxiety to mindfulness, while learning to trust in the future. Last word of her main text: now- [with no further punctuation]. Last word of the afterword: faith. Wow! I wonder if that trick will work as well with other books? Try it!

rockpools It might - here's what I've got to hand! Last 2 words of Men we reaped: I'm here. Bruce Springsteen autobiog: home. 8y
Lindy @RachelO Excellent, in both cases! I'm going to try this with everything in the stack going back to the library. 8y
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Lindy I have to let go. ✅ 8y
Lindy Snowing ✅ 8y
Lindy Hatred - hmmm, maybe. 'Disaffection' would be better. This is the graphic novel adaptation, so I've just checked a copy I own (unread) of the original; it's 'haine' which is the same. - 8y
rockpools @Lindy Yep, I'm pretty much convinced! 8y
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Before I had the baby I remember feeling tired all the time. But after he joined me I could spend four days in two rooms, pyjama-clad, so tired I was almost blind.

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When I was fourteen, it was cloudy on the night I looked through a telescope at the comet. 'I'll see it when I'm eighty-seven,' I thought on the way home, not caring.

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And I'm forgetting everything. My goal now is to forget it all so that I'm clean for death. Just the vaguest memory of love, of participation in the great unity.

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I often prefer writers' diaries to their work written intentionally for publication. It's as if I want the information without the obstacles of style or form. But of course all writing possesses style and form, and in good writing they aren't obstacles.

Bibliogeekery That book looks gorgeous! 😍 8y
Lindy @Bibliogeekery The diary in the photo was a retirement gift - I think I received 6 or 7 lovely journals to mark the occasion. People know what I like. ☺️ 8y
Bibliogeekery So lovely! It's nice when people know is well like that, isn't it? 8y
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Living in a dream of the future is considered a character flaw. Living in the past, bathed in nostalgia, is also considered a character flaw. Living in the present moment is hailed as spiritually admirable, but truly ignoring the lessons of history or failing to plan for tomorrow are considered character flaws.

I wanted to know how to inhabit time in a way that wasn't a character flaw.

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"I tried to record each moment, but time isn't made of moments; it contains moments. There is more to it than moments."

Started this today. I can already tell that all other books in progress will have to wait.

ReadingEnvy That's a good feeling! 8y
Lindy @ReadingEnvy Oh yes. The right book at the right time. 😊 8y
Lacythebookworm It's great! And quick so your other books won't be waiting long 😉 8y
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Lindy @Lacythebookworm True. I'm halfway through already. 8y
shawnmooney So are/were you a journal-keeper? I have been, rather obsessively, off and on for 30+ years but have gotten away from it again... 8y
Lindy @shawnmooney I do off and on; I mostly keep a commonplace book, a compilation of quotations I like as I run across them in my reading. Kept a detailed journal when I spent a year travelling in 2002. 8y
saresmoore Listen, @shawnmooney & @Lindy, I need you both to get back in the journaling habit because I insist upon each of you writing a memoir someday! I insist! 8y
Lindy @saresmoore @shawnmooney Thomas Otto complained that in the novel Any Human Heart the journal style was inauthentic because it contained dialogue. He said nobody records dialogue in their diaries. I checked. I do. 8y
saresmoore I do, too. Besides, audible dialogue is only an extension/expansion of inner dialogue, which is what journaling is in the first place! 8y
Lindy @saresmoore Good point. 8y
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If you've ever kept a diary or journal, this would be of interest. Manguso discusses memory and the reasons for recording our day-to-day activities. A quick read with thoughtful, smart passages. 🙌📚

Moray_Reads Looks interesting. There are some gorgeous books behind it too ❤ 8y
Lacythebookworm 😊Those are from my #tenatatime TBR and my Powell's subscription books. I have them on a small chest that my dad made when he was in high school! 8y
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I actually won Goodreads Giveaway! I received Ongoingness: The End of a Diary by Sarah Manguso. It's a slim work that looks like it's part essay, part diary. The same day, I also got my Book Riot order. I've been eyeing that tote for a while and their deals got me. Not that I need more totes. #Goodreads #BookRiot #OutOfPrint

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Absolutely LOVELY. Every page felt like a lightning bolt hitting my brain--in a good way. It's a fragmented essay about keeping a diary, a reflection on the act of reflecting, but also so much more than that. Manguso seeks to understand her own ongoingness, what it means and why she continues to do it--why ANY of us continue to do it. Get. This. Book.

Lindy You have convinced me. I've stacked it! 8y
ingredientx @Lindy yay!! Let me know what you think! 8y
Jokila I want to read this so bad! I *loved* The Two Kinds of Decay 😍 8y
Suet624 This sounds great! I hadn't heard of this book. Thanks for sharing it with us. 8y
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🍁ONGOINGNESS by Sarah Manguso comes out in paperback in exactly a month on 12/6/16! 🍁

missjenniferlowe This is a beautiful picture! 8y
britt_brooke Lovely photo! 📷👌🏻 8y
TsahaiMakeda I just did a Master Class with her. She is really a wealth of writerly information. 8y
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Wife Love the 🍁🍂🍁🍂 8y
BethFishReads I really liked this 8y
Hollie Gorgeous leaves! 8y
readinginthedark What a fascinating idea! And I love the colors! 8y
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"Time kept reminding me that I merely inhabit it, but it began reminding me more gently." Gem of a book before bed.

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A thoughtful, tender meditation on time, memory, and mortality.