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The Night of the Hunter
The Night of the Hunter: Vintage Movie Classics | Davis Grubb
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The bestselling, National Book Awardfinalist novel that inspired Charles Laughtons expressionist horror classic starring Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters. Two young children, Pearl and John Harper, are being raised alone by their mother in Cresaps Landing, Ohio. Their father Ben has just been executed for killing two men in the course of an armed robbery. Ben never told anyone where he hid the ten thousand dollars he stole; not his widow Willa, not his lawyer, nor his cell-mate Henry Preacher Powell. But Preacher, with his long history of charming his way into widows hearts and lives, has an inkling that Ben's money could be within his reach. As soon as he is free, Preacher makes his way up the river to visit the Harper family wherehe hopesa little child shall lead him to the fortune that he seeks. Foreword by JULIA KELLER From the Trade Paperback edition.
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#TheNightoftheHunter #DavisGrubb
#BookSpinBingo #July2021

Two young children, Pearl and John Harper, are being raised alone by their mother in Cresap's Landing, Ohio. Their father Ben has just been executed for killing two men in the course of an armed robbery. Ben never told anyone where he hid the ten thousand dollars he stole; not his widow Willa, not his lawyer, nor his cell-mate Henry "Preacher" Powell.

EadieB But Preacher, with his long history of charming his way into widows hearts and lives, has an inkling that Ben's money could be within his reach. As soon as he is free, Preacher makes his way up the river to visit the Harper family where -- he hopes -- a little child shall lead him to the fortune that he seeks. This book was inspired by serial killer Harry Powell who was hung for murders of 2 widows and 3 children. 3y
EadieB I found him to be pretty creepy and frightening. Good book to read for Halloween. Beautifully written. If you love Southern Gothic Noir, you will enjoy this book. 3y
Ruthiella I saw the film with Robert Mitchum many years ago. Very creepy. 😱 3y
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EadieB @Ruthiella Yes! The movie is very creepy! 3y
TieDyeDude I really liked the movie. Plan on reading the book eventually. Based on a real person 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What a truly terrifying book. I‘ve seen this classic movie many times, but the book is even more frightening. The Hunter is creepy, abusive, but knows how to charm people. The relationship he forms with the little girl Pearl is so disturbing. This was a good classic that I‘m glad I finally read. This was my #doublespin No. 1 pick and definitely a good #screamathon book.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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An odd little story. The decision to not surround dialogue with punctuation marks was strange, but as the story went on it made sense. For a book from the 1950‘s it‘s almost scary how well it can put you in the perspective of a child, how much it writes that children should be valued and protected, and how we still need to hear that.

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1- SE Canada, close to Que. 2- I don't remember. It was early-Litsy before ads so maybe someone mentioned it on Tumblr. 3- The Night of the Hunter, it's up there with Citizen Kane as one of the best films ever made. 4- Yes. As a kid, I used to bring home snapping turtles from the highway near my house. I'd keep them for a few days then release them 🐢#welcomelitten

saguarosally Hey another movie I haven't heard of time to check it out! 7y
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THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER is a magical, terrifying, beautiful read. It's a book so fresh it feels as if it were written yesterday. Had a student at a reading ask me once what my favorite book was. Answer: this one. It gave us Charles Laughton's filmic masterpiece, sure, but it deserves to be remembered in its own right. Can't recommend enough.

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚👍 8y
MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay 😊👍🏻. 8y
BookishMarginalia Welcome! 8y
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