I‘ve been enjoying exploring a ‘postcard a day‘ from the NHM ... this week I‘ve enjoyed reading about Darwin and the museum and the ancient art of seventeenth century fragile shell engraving. #lockdownculture
I‘ve been enjoying exploring a ‘postcard a day‘ from the NHM ... this week I‘ve enjoyed reading about Darwin and the museum and the ancient art of seventeenth century fragile shell engraving. #lockdownculture
Whilst on lockdown I‘m enjoying a postcard a day from the Natural History Museum. This week I‘ve been reading all about the ceiling tiles from the entrance hall depicting botanical plants with economic value to the Victorians, Hope the whale and the building of the 6 tonne blue whale model that at 75 years old - still is a thing of beauty!
One thing I‘m really really missing in this lockdown is museums and galleries. So I ordered this box set of 50 postcards treasures from the Natural History Museum and every day I‘m going to take a card and do a little mini research into the history of what‘s on the card!
I watched two episodes of Museum Secrets, which was more about weird things in the museums‘ collections rather than secrets. But I did learn about this amethyst in London‘s Natural History Museum that is said to be cursed. Of course, the museum doesn‘t think so, but the descendant of its last owner declined to touch it for this show. Better safe than sorry, I guess! #TIL #NFNov