Not really book related but I took a picture yesterday of some trees that look like they belong in Middle Earth. Thought I‘d share. #middleearth
Not really book related but I took a picture yesterday of some trees that look like they belong in Middle Earth. Thought I‘d share. #middleearth
I personally found the writing in this to be a little dry, but that‘s understandable given the fact that it‘s not a novel, but an atlas. It‘s definitely an excellent reference for fans of Lord of The Rings, and it was interesting seeing the details of the hobbits journey through all of Middle-Earth. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The chapter “Of Beleriand and its Realms” of the Quenta Silmarillion in The Lost Road and Other Writings seems an appropriate time to get back out my Atlas of Middle-Earth. I‘ll admit I don‘t analyze the geographic descriptions much, but the map does make it a bit clearer.
Another of my first illustration books (it's been ages since last l looked at them, l forgot how beautiful they are) and the Atlas of Middle-Earth
Challenge | Day 21
A place where I‘m feel free.
#whenyouwanttobefree on #startinganewjanuary by @writerlibrarian
A few books to supplement my #lotrchapteraday reading! Hopefully I'll enjoy them and I can add two more to my shelves later.
A map of Frodo and Sam's journey - Don't look too close if you are reading for the first time!
I don't think I can get the map of the paths of everyone in the Fellowship in a decent photo. I would be curious for someone who has another book of maps to let me know their opinions for comparison. I've looked at a few others but not decided to buy any of them yet.
I'm checking my Atlas of Middle-Earth again as I read to see where Frodo & Sam have traveled through the last few chapters with Gollum and now that they've met Faramir. It's also interesting to see how far in completely different directions the rest of the fellowship has traveled.
I'm back at my house after a long summer visit with my sister, so I dug out my mind Middle-Earth Atlas to go along with my #LotRChapteraDay reading. This page includes a description and map of the Lonely Mountain as we read about the dwarves fortifying the Front Gate.
A path through Middle Earth, off of Oakenshield Drive. Around the bend, one of our lakes. Back the other way, patches of field. And woods everywhere 😊👍🏻. Crisp clean mountain air, and half-way down this slope is cold, fresh creek water. *inhales & exhales deeply* A nice pine scent in the air. Taking advantage of this rare 50 degree winter day. Can stretch. Good audiobook too 😎👌🏻. #24in48
An entire atlas with a variety of maps to go with Tolkien's books!
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #mapsinbooks