-Yes Sisters 3.5⭐️
-Saints 4⭐️
-Sawbones 4⭐️
-The Legend of Sheba 3⭐️
Really good Western about a feisty woman doctor who is falsely accused of murder and flees West. She is put through the wringer on the frontier (trigger warnings - there is a fair amount of violence), making this a heavier read than I expected. Catherine is a great character, though, and the supporting cast also draws you in.
I'll definitely be picking up the next book!
Badass historical heroines Melissa Lenhardt & Sherry Thomas. Tiffany Yates Martin on the right as the moderator. #texasbookfestival
My twist on a Moscow Mule (aka lack of lime and copper cup) and peppermint patties for my #LitsyPartyOfOne
Thanks @Ambrosnazzy 🎉
So.....I kinda sorta just bought this book for my kindle just to get the 40% another book credit 🙊🤷 #primeday
I listened for over six hours working around the house and finished this off, reading Gone With the Wind in between. An excellent story I recommend! 4 ⭐️ out of 5. I'll be looking for book 2! Friends over Saturday for a scrapbooking retreat so I expect little reading time. But I finally got to participate in #litsypartyofone albeit a little early for the weekend. #gwtwreadalong
I've been listening to this Audible novel while traveling and working about the house thanks to @Sydsavvy I just finished part 1 so another 6+ hours to go. I am enjoying it. It's set shortly after the Civil War mostly in Texas so far. A good fit to my #gwtwreadalong where I've slipped a bit ahead into part 4.
Finally starting this beautiful book series by Melissa Lenhardt! So excited to do her author event with her in August!
Audible peeps, rush out and get this now! It's great fun, fast paced, well-written, extremely well narrated and perfect to get you in the mood for summer, with all the heat it generates. If you aren't on Audible yet connect with me somehow and I can send you a free copy, (first ten). I agree with both of these descriptions: Outlander meets post Civil-War West, (sans the time travel) and new genre: the feminine western. Excellent. #lonestarlit
Thoroughly enjoying this audio! Great narrator and excellent story/dialogue thus far. Always love me sone Brain candy, with a saucy heroine and a tough but nice hero. Well researched and great sense of place. Plus, I keep thinking Outlander meets Post Civil War (without time travel). But this narrator! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#onewordtitles #photoadaynov16 I just started this book and I'm in love. It's so exciting....within the first 50 pages there is a murder plot, grave diggers, a sassy female doctor, an affair, and a whorehouse! It's been described as "Outlander meets the Civil War era" so I'm loving it so far!❤️?❤️?❤️
Has anyone read this one? I have it sitting on my Kindle and it sounds right up my alley! Female doctor heroine in a story described as "Outlander meets Civil War unrest." Definitely fits today's #photoadaynov16 #headlesscovers