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Old Souls
Old Souls: Compelling Evidence from Children Who Remember Past Lives | Thomas Shroder
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A riveting firsthand account of one mans mission to investigate and document some of the most astonishing phenomena of our timechildren who speak of past life memory and reincarnation. All across the globe, small children spontaneously speak of previous lives, beg to be taken home, pine for mothers and husbands and mistresses from another life, and know things that there seems to be no normal way for them to know. From the moment these children can talk, they speak of people and events from the pastnot vague stories of centuries ago, but details of specific, identifiable individuals who may have died just months, weeks, or even hours before the birth of the child in question. For thirty-seven years, Dr. Ian Stevenson has traveled the world from Lebanon to suburban Virginia investigating and documenting more than two thousand of these past life memory cases. Now, his essentially unknown work is being brought to the mainstream by Tom Shroder, the first journalist to have the privilege of accompanying Dr. Stevenson in his fieldwork. Shroder follows Stevenson into the lives of children and families touched by this phenomenon, changing from skeptic to believer as he comes face-to-face with concrete evidence he cannot discount in this spellbinding and true story.
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Interesting book. Ian Stevenson spent a lifetime trying to ‘prove‘ reincarnation via an examination of children‘s‘ ‘past life‘ memories. Shroder went along with him on some of his field trips and this book serves both as a popularisation of Stevenson‘s work and a travelogue in which he examines some of the best cases. It‘s readable, thought-provoking and a tad unsettling. I trust this evidence more than I do the evidence from regressive hypnosis.

BookwormM I am a believer so will have to check this out 4y
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perfectsinner Looks great 4y
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This was excellent! A must read (or listen) if you're interested in reincarnation.

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Well after much discussion with BF, we decided it would be best for Daisy and I to stay with relatives in Alabama in case Gainesville is forced to evacuate. We're on the road now, listening to Old Souls. Fellow Floridians, my thoughts are with you! Stay safe!!

LauraBeth Glad y'all are leaving 💕 7y
Read4life 1. Be safe. 2. Daisy is adorable! 🐶 7y
LeeRHarry Stay safe! 7y
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Nebklvr Be safe 7y
LeahBergen Stay safe! 😘😘 7y
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I started listening to this on Audible today and so far so good! I'm still getting used to the narrator, but the content is good. This is part of my #LitsyAtoZ challenge 📚 #LetterO

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All across the globe, children spontaneously speak of previous lives, beg to be taken “home,” knowing things that there is no normal way for them to know. From the moment these children can talk, they speak of people and events from the past with details of specific, identifiable individuals who may have died just months, weeks, or even hours before the birth of the child.

Reincarnation stories are fascinating and strange. Adding to #TBR 😱📚

Laura317 This sounds fascinating!! 8y
peggyriley That sounds GOOD. 8y
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