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Midnight Pearls: A Retelling of "The Little Mermaid"
Midnight Pearls: A Retelling of "The Little Mermaid" | Debbie Viguie
5 posts | 14 read | 7 to read
"ONCE UPON A TIME" IS TIMELESS In a quiet fishing village seventeen years ago, one lone fisherman rescued a child from the sea. He and his wife raised the girl, Pearl, as their own daughter, never allowing themselves to wonder long about where she came from -- or notice her silver hair, usually pale skin, and wide, dark blue eyes. Pearl grows from a mysterious child into an unusual young woman, not always welcomed in the village. As all the other girls her age find husbands, she has only one friend to ease her loneliness. One very special, secret companion: Prince James. But their friendship is shaken when trouble erupts in the kingdom -- a conspiracy against the royal family combines with an evil enchantment from beneath the sea. Now, just when Pearl and James need each other most, bewitching magic and hints about Pearl's past threaten to tear them apart...forever.
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Cintia J
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My 10 year old loved this book. To me, it was meh. Maybe, if there had been more intrigue in the dastardly plan to overtake the kingdom, I would have liked it more.

#FairytaleReadingChallenge @Charityann

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The “Once Upon a Time” series was a favorite of mine as a young teen- I reread a few of them over and over again. Unfortunately, this one didn‘t hold up well upon rereading it as an adult...
But it does count as V for my #LitsyAtoZ and it‘s one less book in the house! I‘m taking it in to work for my free book table before summer break

Mommamanzi I need to start clearing out books too. But that coooooover is so great. Haha. 7y
emtobiasz I read so many of these, and I doubt any of them would hold up for me now 😬 7y
Johanna414 @emtobiasz I‘m nervous to reread any more of them now! 7y
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Love this idea!! I just signed up and im so excited! Check out @Mommamanzi post to sign up! #theretellingbookswap

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More matches went out today for #theretellingbookswap so please be sure to check your email! If you haven't signed up please do https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QZGG9D3 I am getting SO excited. Please keep spreading the word by reposting! I would love for more people to join. I wish I could chose every one of you to be my partner because no joke EVERY survey I have read I go WOW! They seem so cool!

ju.ca.no just signed up- lovely idea😍 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Cant wait to be matched 🙌✨ 7y
scripturient Just signed up. :) 7y
TaylorMay Done and done! 7y
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