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Garfield, His 9 Lives
Garfield, His 9 Lives | Jim Davis
6 posts | 5 read
Presents stories from each of Garfield's nine lives, including his experiences as a prehistoric cat, a laboratory animal, and a futuristic space cat.
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Yep 😝🤣🤣🤣

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Sleeping... you miss out on some of the best things 🍵☕️🍪🍪😋

Trashcanman Have you ever seen the books Garfield minus Garfield? OMG they're brilliant 6y
Ddzmini @Trashcanman yes I had some of them I think I still have them in my storage 6y
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Since it‘s Saturday morning I‘m in a Saturday cartoon frame of mind specifically a Garfield frame of mind 🤣🤣🤣

tammysue 😂 6y
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Garfield. Always so charming. #bookmark #bookmarks #Booktober

Linsy 😂 8y
Bookzombie 😂 8y
Zelma @EnidBiteEm I swear we share the same brain sometimes! I used to have a Garfield bookmark that was well-loved and used. I wish I still had it. 😀 8y
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EnidBiteEm @Zelma I love the fact that if other people said this it might be creepy, but I get it 😀 I can think of worse brains to share than yours 😂 The bookmarks are from my primary school days. They used to be in every newsagent, but I haven't seen them for years. 8y
Sharpeipup I had one of those... 8y
Zelma @EnidBiteEm I'm so glad I didn't sound like a creeper! 😂 I appreciate that. 👍😋 8y
bookcollecter I remember these! I had the loose my place one 6y
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Happy #internationalcatday ! These are my two little lovies, Jimmy and Bella 😻 (Jimmy's the tabby & Bella's the calico.) They were the last two of their litter when we adopted them 8 years ago, they are so snuggly, and they are the best reading companions, except when they try to eat what I'm reading 😸 #petsoflitsy

CherylDeFranceschi Lovely kittehs!😻 8y
LauraBrook 😻😻😻 OMG those faces!!!!!! 😻😻😻 8y
SharonGoforth My Dinah looks a lot like Bella. Both your kitties are gorgeous!!😻😻 8y
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LiteraryinPA They look so sweet! 8y
MrBook 😻😻😻 8y
Beckys_Books We have a Bella, too. My daughter is a Twilight fan. 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 😻❤️! 8y
Merethebookgal @Beckys_Books I think there's a lot of pets named Bella for that very reason! I've never gotten around to reading them myself 😅 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Awww, they're adorable!😽 8y
Bookzombie I love them! So snuggly! 8y
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In honour of #InternationalCatDay I am posting a photo of my two favourite cats, factual and fictional. They both belong to my friend, Sue.

SusanInTiburon Pretty kitty! have always wanted a cat that would walk on leash. Every time I tried it, the cat took off like its tail was on fire. Never had the heart to follow through. 8y
Dragon Thanks @SusanInTiburon Cali is a Scottish fold and Sue her proud owner actually takes her for walks to do her business. Saves on kitty litter 8y
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