The last two books I've read I haven't really liked, and yet I've flown through them. Not sure how to reconcile that, but I'm hoping I'll read something that I really enjoy, soon.
The last two books I've read I haven't really liked, and yet I've flown through them. Not sure how to reconcile that, but I'm hoping I'll read something that I really enjoy, soon.
An overnight sex scandal at a private school shatters a community and ruins the futures of the students involved. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was so unrealistic! I didn‘t like any of the characters and it just went on and on. This was my first Anita Shreve.. is it worth it to read another one of hers?
It's such a lovely afternoon. Called out of work today because of a bum hip. I've been alternating between heat and ice while resting it most of the day. I decided to try a short walk to the #littlefreelibrary on the next block to drop off a couple books. I came away with an even trade. I love my neighborhood and really appreciate the cooler weather this week. It's not too miserable to sit out on the porch for a couple hours. #sickday #sunshine
Next up for #BookFitnessChallenge
I also have the physical book, so I might attack it double time.💪🏻💜💙
So I have a love hate with this book. It brought me in the feelings of all which was great to feel such a sad subjects pain. However I never felt the need to finish this one, I did finish just took me 3 months 😂
Finished this a couple of weeks ago and needed sometime to think about it. In light of all the Metoo campaign I‘m not really sure how I feel about this book. It was published in 2008 when we were hearing about young ones ruining their life‘s with really bad behaviour . In this book we see most sides but not sure if I totally agree with the outcome. Would possibly make for a good discussion. @MrsMalaprop
Scored these for $2 at the library book sale. I accidentally went right after it was supposed to end so didn‘t get a lot of time to browse. Has anyone read these? Appropriate for juniors/seniors in high school? Hoping to add to my class library
My daughter is home sick today, so I just cracked open a new book. So far this book is VERY intense. #Testimony #AnitaShreve. Anyone read this? 👍? 👎?
Just in from my library and the Cloud reader app. The audio book was read by 13 narrators. It was very well done.
Reading while I make dinner. #bookobsessed
Note: No book was harmed in the making of this meal.
Just finished this audiobook. I really enjoyed it, because it was well read, and Anita Shreve is always a writer I enjoy reading (listening).
Like life, this story is messy, with few simple answers. Good intentions lead to poor choices. Again, like life. Perhaps that is why I enjoy Shreve's stories.
This audiobook is read by a cast of characters, which makes it really easy listening. Tough subject, and some interesting twists. I will miss the variety of this when it's done.
I've always been a fan of Anita Shreve. Lots of female drama. Her work goes back more than twenty years with The Weight of Water one of my most dramatic favorites. Testimony is excellent too.
Day 68: "I guess that's the point of drinking, to take all the feelings and thoughts and morals away..." #shoes by #isaacmizrahi for #target