Well said.
4 ⭐ This book is very similar to other Peter Reynold books. It tugs at the heart strings as it reminds children to be you, in all the ways that you can be. It reminds kids that no matter who you are, or how you are, you will always be loved.
Since little man is in school now, he gets to go to the school library once a week and pick out a book to bring home. He picked Be You! It was a wonderful book. It should be read all over the world. Be Weird, Be Brave, Be You!
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
I've been reading this #outloud to my students and then having them draw themselves and use vocabulary from the book. Here's a look #underthedustcover
If you teach, take advantage of Peter Reynold's free activities, which he offers online.
Like Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Peter Reynolds can write pictures that will break your heart in joy and sorrow.
March 3