Late season blueberry picking!
Late season blueberry picking!
Thank you @Callemarie for this awesome #cbbc package! I‘m excited to try the coffee mix and someone from Litsy sent me this tea (maybe you?) a few years ago and I loved it!! The m&ms have already been opened ;) #coffeebeanbookclub
Thanks @BookBosomed1 for the local Wisconsin tea! I love blueberries 🫐, so I can‘t wait to try this tea!!!
I also tried something new. Using the dough recipe from the meat pie I shared earlier, I made a blueberry pie. For the filling I used, a cup and a half of blueberries, the juice of a lemon, a tablespoon of sugar - simmered on the stove to thicken, then added to the pan. Baked at 425 degrees for 25 min. I may still make some adjustments as it was more liquid-y than I wanted it to be, but it still tasted good.(also,it is keto) #wintergames2021
I felt this was a fine but not great collection of essays. It starts off with a bang with "Yellow City” but I didn't feel this potential was carried well through the rest of the collection. Although Savage acknowledges her privilege her essays foregrounded largely bourgeois concerns, dancing around the more meaningful ideas she could have interrogated. Ultimately, the remaining essays failed to move, or engage me on any substantial level.