I‘m so glad to have discovered Silas House this year. The way he writes about families and grief just sucks me in to his stories. Perfect for summer reading- I‘ll be searching around for more of his books soon. #BacklistReadathon
I‘m so glad to have discovered Silas House this year. The way he writes about families and grief just sucks me in to his stories. Perfect for summer reading- I‘ll be searching around for more of his books soon. #BacklistReadathon
Looking forward to this month‘s #BacklistReadathon
This month I want to read more by Silas House, starting with the tagged.
I like the #adventrecommends idea. Day 1- This is the first Silas House book I read. It has two other books that connect with it-A Parchment of Leaves and Clay‘s Quilt. I heard him speak at our local women‘s march & decided it was time to read his books. Silas is a Kentucky writer; he teaches & is very involved in the Ky community. @emilyrose_x #wintergames #thefilthyanimals @Clwojick @StayCurious
This #peachbook has beautifully written characters in a realistic Appalachian community. It is well loved and much read. #augustphotochallenge
"And it was that easy, that instant. In that moment she knew that she loved him more than she had ever loved anyone else."