Going on week 2 of feeling like utter shit with a, doctor confirmed, upper respiratory infection 🤧😤 Since I can actually do more at the moment than lay on the couch watching TV I thought I'd catch up on #CoverLove
#Leaves #Pink #Yellow #Brown
Going on week 2 of feeling like utter shit with a, doctor confirmed, upper respiratory infection 🤧😤 Since I can actually do more at the moment than lay on the couch watching TV I thought I'd catch up on #CoverLove
#Leaves #Pink #Yellow #Brown
The Sickness is an interesting and creative story that is engaging from the start. I felt some Mortal Instrument vibes from the creatures and world building. There were moments of high action but at times the pacing lagged and it was hard to tell where the story was going. The book was written very well and the author plotted her idea thoroughly, however the abrupt end left unanswered questions.