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The Sickness
The Sickness | Yazarah
2 posts | 1 read
Hiro Sheuri lives a semi-comfortable life in the middle of a forest inhabited by territorial Jinns, except for the minor annoyance of being possessed by a Vampire Spirit. He has an easy job, cleaning up after the creatures of the Secret World run riot in human cities. He must hide the existence of demons but they have started obliterating whole cities. His life becomes unwelcomingly interesting when he is attacked on what was supposed to be a straightforward job, by his enemy the A'richeils, hauntingly beautiful beings that feed on emotions. Hiro's world turns destructive and dark when he discovers the creatures are being infected by a sickness that is driving them insane. While Hiro investigates the cause of this sickness, a new dark power appears that has the potential to devastate both the human and Spirit world. Darkness and death, monsters and madness clash in a world gone insane.
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The Sickness | Yazarah
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Going on week 2 of feeling like utter shit with a, doctor confirmed, upper respiratory infection 🤧😤 Since I can actually do more at the moment than lay on the couch watching TV I thought I'd catch up on #CoverLove
#Leaves #Pink #Yellow #Brown

Aims42 I hope you feel better!! 3mo
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 3mo
Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 3mo
See All 16 Comments
dabbe Ack! So sorry to read that you're under the weather. Feel better soon! 💚💙💚 3mo
DaveGreen7777 Hope you feel much better soon! 🙏 3mo
Ruthiella Wishing you a speedy recovery. ❤️ 3mo
Eggs Oh no! Take good care of yourself and I hope you get better soon 💗 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 💙💙💙 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Eggs 💕💕💕 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @JessClark78 @aims42 @Librarybelle @DaveGreen7777 @Ruthiella Thank you all! Doc gave me something for the cough that hopefully will let me get the sleep I need to feel better 🤞🏼🤞🏼 3mo
kezzlou85 Hope you start feeling better soon. 3mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 3mo
bthegood Hope you feel better soon - 3mo
Bookwomble I hope you're starting to feel more comfortable ❤️‍🩹 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Bookwomble Thank you; I am. Today I only had to take ibuprofen once and I made it all the way to lunch time before needing a nap!! 3mo
44 likes16 comments
The Sickness | Yazarah
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The Sickness is an interesting and creative story that is engaging from the start. I felt some Mortal Instrument vibes from the creatures and world building. There were moments of high action but at times the pacing lagged and it was hard to tell where the story was going. The book was written very well and the author plotted her idea thoroughly, however the abrupt end left unanswered questions.